HELP!!! i cant get her to use her litter box

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
, New York, USA
okay, i know there are a lot of threads becausea lot of people have this problem. Tabetha likes to sleep in her litterbox and i have tried putting hay in it but she just sits outside of herlitter box and sticks her head in to get hay. i use woody pet litterand i do not have her spayed (i think) and i dont know if she shouldhave two litter boxes or what. she is not in a very big cage and doesnthave very much freedom outside of her cage. She also pees when she isexcited and i dont know what to do. so if anyone can tell me what theydid or are currently doing i would appreciate that.
Oberon was like that too. I'd put hayin his litterbox and he's sit outside of it and eat and poop.When I put a second litterbox next to it, he'd sit in one litterbox andeat hay out of the other. So I'd recommend a secondlitterbox.:)
One trick that's worked for me is toputthe food, hay and waternear the litter box sothat she has to get in it in order to eat.

i cant put the hay in the litter box because shepulls it right back out. i guess she doesnt want her haysoiled. she doesnt like her water area moved and she doesntlike her litter box moved. i cant really put the food near the litterbox because it would pour right in the box. is this training going tobe hopeless??
I've had this problem with my Rabbit Sylvester.He started going in one corner, so I put the box there and moved hishay rack overtop of that box. Well, then, he started going wherehispellets were, so is what I did was baught another squarelitter box for him to sit in while eating and drinking.

You might want to look into getting a bowl that hooks to the wires ofher cage so that you can kind of, scoot it up on the wall so that shehas to get into the box and eat.

I still get "stray" pellets from Sylv though. :?
what made my rabbit use the litterbox the first2 days i had him was put his litterbox in the opposite corner of thisfavorite spot. rabbits prefer to be very clean and lots would raher tohave their food and water away from they washroom. and their favoritespot. if he has a favorite corner just put the litterbox in theopposite corner (diagonal). try that.

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