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Jul 24, 2019
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Hi I'm pretty new to RO (rabbits online) and I would like to post this introduction. I'm 14 and I'm very passionate about bunnies. I have two rabbits of my own. 1 Male and 1 Female. They're indoor free roam bunnies. Since they aren't currently fixed, I have my house split in half so no breeding can occur. I'm setting appointments for them to get fixed, so don't worry :) The male is a purebred red mini Rex and he's about 6 years old. His name is Peter (of course lol) and loves to be walked, held, and taken to PetSmart when I need bunny supplies. It's pretty unusual for bunnies to enjoy being held since they're prey animals, but he always insists. My other rabbit is a mix that we found on the side of the road with super bad ear mites! We took her to the vet right away and got her treated, so she's been with us ever since. She is mixed bunny on the medium side around 6-8 pounds. We don't know how old she is, since we found her as an adult. Her name is Penelope and her hobbies include, eating treats, doing tricks, and sleeping on my bed. She is not as affectionate as Peter and does not enjoy being picked up. Her favorite treat is fresh apple (Yum!) And she knows a few tricks. She can spin, shake, stand up on her hind legs (I call it 'Up') and always being such a cutie! Their meals include unlimited Timothy hay, fresh leafy greens in the morning and at night, and 1/4 cup (Peter gets a little less) of oxbow pellets per day. Not to mention the occasional tasty treat which can consist of either fresh or dried fruits. They're both litter box trained, but Peter likes to take his hay EVERYWHERE. It's cute, but they're is always hay everywhere around his litter box. I think that's it for now, but I will keep you updated on my lovely bunnies! ❤️
Welcome to the forum! It's always nice to have members that are the same age as I am.