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May 14, 2008
Reaction score
, , Singapore
Hi everyone
I just found this forum.
My wife and I belong to a flemish giant doe called Buttercup


She's born in Jan2007 and we got her in May2007.

We have 3 rabbits previously, but this is our very first flemish and it has been an interesting experience since... notably, the cats & dogs we see outside now seem to have shrunk in size :p

One more pic of her - upside down this time;

That's her pee & poo in our bathroom
She got a potty but she prefers our bathroom, we have no idea why :pullhair:

BTW, what's the average lifespan of a flemish giant?
:hello Welcome to the forum! She is ADORABLE! Welcome Buttercup! Yeah! Another Flemmie! (OK, so I'm not impartial! I love the giants!) Love the picture of her sticking her tongue out!

Funny how having a Flemish puts other animals in perspective, size wise! (Just a suggestion, be careful with the collar around her neck.A collarcan get caught on something and break their neck very easily... we usually use a harness that goes around their chest and stomach.)

Average lifespan of a Flemish is usually 5-7 years. So glad you found the Forum! Can't wait to see more photo's of Buttercup!:welcome1
Welcome to the forum! Beautiful girl you have there!I too am a flemish lover, I have 5 indoors. Great pictures and I love that picture of her sticking her tongue out too!

I look forward to hearing more about your life as a bunny slave!:)
Thanks for the warm welcome. :biggrin2:

We understand the dangers of putting a collar on her. You see, I use a wheelchair and she's free-running in our flat. So the bell helps me to have an idea of her whereabouts. There's usually another person around all day. The collar comes off when she goes back to her cage when we sleep.
Thanks for the warning.
Oh dear... 5-7 years.. we'll just have to make the best of it.

Wow.. 5 flemmies indoors - must be great fun. :D

That pic of her sticking out her tongue was an unplanned shot - it was a pleasant surprise when we saw it.
btw, we have a youtube channel of her here;
Hope u guys enjoy watching them vids.

After this one whole year with her, we just can't imagine being slaves to smaller breed of bunnies. Pls don't get me wrong, we love ALL bunnies but am just a teeny weeny bit flemmie-bias now :p
We're totally new in having a Flemish Giant and welcome all tips & advises to keep her healthy.
Hehe, what a beautiful bunny! Welcome to you and your big bunny!

ETA: just watched the video of her binkying on the couch! so hillarious! I had been wondering what it looked like when a big ole bunny like that tried to binky!:biggrin2:
Thanks :D
She binkies and dashes about a lot in the morning when she was younger. Knocks into furniture with loud thuds... knocks over a favourite vase...
juliew19673 wrote:
Buttercup appears to be a "force to be reckoned with"! Loved the couch binkie to table to everything falling on the floor! LOL! She's beautiful.. Welcome to RO!

I second the motion on this one. Buttercup is absolutely cute. Her ears are awesome, and she seems like quite the character. The little bunny 500 on the furniture is hilarious!!! She can really move if she wants to. Was she about to sign her name to a bill or something? "Paid by: Buttercup" lol:D

Welcome to the forum. Can't wait to read/see more of your delightful flemmie!!

Oh my she is perfect! I hope you post ALOT. In four days it will be a year since I lost my flemish and would love to see more of your girl. Her binky reminded me of My Samantha.

Welcome to the forum.

ETA: Saw her flop! Oh please post alot about her. :shock::biggrin2:

Hi tkwei!! Greetings from your neighbour in Malaysia :biggrin2:

Buttercup is a real beauty.. and she's so cute in that upside-down pic

i didn't know you had flemmies in SG!! the petshops in Malaysia imported a few flemmies many years ago but i have no idea what happened to them.. i don't see flemmies here anymore :( i'd really love to hold one!
Hi.. sorry for the delayed reply;

Thanks for all the wonderful comments :biggrin2:

Now that she's older, she doesn't race on the couch much. But she does goes up there to just nose around.
LOL... yeah.. if only she'd paid some of her food bills :p

So sorry to hear of Samantha. I'm sure you have fond memories of her.

Elf Mommy
She loves to circle her mommy's feet. And dash in between them. :D

Greetings from your neighour down south!
There's not many flemmies here. In fact, I think some of the bunnies slaves here in RO got more flemmies than the entire population of flemmies in Singapore. :p
It has been a challenge keeping Buttercup in our horribly hot and humid weather. If it gets too hot - she'll just lie very still and refused to eat. So she spend most of her time in an airconditioned room.

Hoping to upload better quality vids soon.
In meantime, here's more pics of her;

getting ready for the weekend;

a regular cowgirl;

in a chinese cheongsum;

LOL.. she doesn't like those on her - we got to snap those pics fast! :biggrin2:

Have a great weekend everyone :bunnydance:
I think I am absolutely, madly in love with this bunny! :inlove: What a gorgeous beauty...and those ears!!!

Welcome to the forum, tkwei and Buttercup! :)

Buttercup is a doll!! We love flemmies (wabbitdad12, a couple of posts up is my hubby.) I especially like the sunglasses picture...*My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!*

Yeah, the flemmies are especially susceptible to the heat because of their body fat. Do you ever give a frozen 2 ltr. bottle for her to lay against? She'd probably love it!
LOL, thanks... we're madly in love with her too. :biggrin2:

Oh yes we did!
For the initial few days, those frozen bottle became her best friends, together with iced water.
Sadly, given our high heat & humidity (the days easily get over 90F with 80-90+%), the bottles get very wet very fast, which wetted her fur. We will afraid of possible fungal infection and decided that an aircon room (at 75-77F) is a better alternative.
We actually have no idea that flemmies are not suited to our hot weather till after we bought her from the petshop and google for info.

Comparing the pictures of flemmies i've seen here, I think Buttercup have thinner ears & coat? (to accliamistise to our local weather)
And I think she is more of a pet-quality than the show-quality flemmies I've seen in this forum?
I wonder if any of the experienced flemmies' slaves can help point out the difference to me? No way wifey & I would love her any less, but we're just curious to know.

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