Hello from a teenager

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2012
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Northern, California, USA
Gosh, I hate intro's. They are so awkward, don't you agree? Well, let's get on with it!

I am 16 year old girl from the great country of America. I've moved around alot, so I never really had any life (besides a 5 year stint I was able to do in SC, although we moved around a bit there, too) or friends. Animals filled in the hole that the lack of friends and a life left.

My parents and family have always had some sort of animal. I think we only went one 6 month stint with none due to living in an apartment that banned animals. We started out have a boxer and a GSD, then we added in a hamster (who was meaner than a rattle snake and drew blood on a daily basis), and a guinea pig who died the next day. Then was the petless stint. After we moved into a house we adopted the 500$ guinea pigs (loooong story, the moral of the story is don't get guinea pigs from petsmart) who died very tragic deaths (one bled out and the other we had to put down due to something happening to his eye and spreading an infection throughout his body) and while the guinea pigs who happened to live forever were alive we got 3 different dogs. First was a small, white fluffy dog by the name of Benji, he left after 2 years due to the fact that he started biting my baby sister. Then came the labs, Jake and Levi, whom we still have.

By the time we had the labs I was 9-almost-10-years-old. I had been taking riding lessons and working at the barn for most of my life so my parent bought me a young stud colt by the name of Sonny. After that we bought 3 other horses (one of which is my horse, Toby) and a bloodhound, Cooper, who died young due to a brain disorder. For a while we stayed about the same besides the usual amount of stray, feral barn cats that would come and go (one, Tyler, is still with is and has moved cross country with us) And, recently we also got a chihuahua and a pit/lab mix. The pit/lab mix, Zoe, sadly died a couple of months ago at the age of 8 mos from a car accident. Ah, and we also have two pregnant dairy goats who are due in about 2-3 weeks, we had three but one died from a heart attack.

Now you finally have met all past and present pets, besides the rabbits. My family is a sucker for small animals, or any animals for that matter. We see something cute and we impulsively get it. It's just how we work. Pretty much every pet (including the horses, minus Sonny) has been an impulsive decision that stems from seeing a cute baby animal, or an animal in distress. The rabbits (Triss and Hope, although Hope is my little sister, Hailey's, rabbit) are the latest additions.

Let us start with Triss, shall we? Triss is a 6/7 week-old broken black and white Californian/Rex cross. We like to joke and say she's the ADHD daredevil. Our labs, Jake and Levi, do not take kindly to small animals seeing as how they are/were hunting dogs (they are not allowed anywhere near where the rabbits are.) but our chihuahua, Sammy, absolutely adores them. But, back to the rabbit, we call her a daredevil because she is absolutely fearless of the big dogs and the one time the dogs were downstairs while we were holding her she immediately jumped down and started licking them.

Next is Hope. Hope is also a Californian/Rex but she is a broken brown and white. She's a bit of a couch potato and loves to just hang out and sit on your lap. She is not as people oriented as Triss, probably due to the fact that Triss is, well, Triss.

Sheesh, sorry that was so long and scattered. I guess this is what happens when you only had 2-4 hours of sleep due to your retched insomnia.
PS: Pictures will come shortly :)
Welcome Lauren, Triss, Hope and the rest of the gang.
Where in California do you live? My wife is from the Modesto area.
Thanks, y'all. HEM, I currently (I'll probably be moving again pretty soon, and then I'll be going off to college and then probably a year stint overseas for missions) live in the 50 corridor about an hour from Tahoe :)
melbaby80 wrote:
Love your introduction! Welcome! I love animals too, but my husband won't get me a mini farm :(
Thank you! My dad doesn't believe we need all of the animals we have (with about 12 hens on the way when we finally settle down for good in the next year or two) which, at last count, was 12 with 4-6 more on the way. But, I've always been involved with horses (I train them, 3 of my horses I've had since they were little. Sonny was a 9mos old pretty much untouched stud colt, Toby (my other, extremely talented QH) was an untouched yearling and then Kai was a completely unhandled 4mos old. Oh, and then there is the rehab mare...) and then we went super natural and self sufficent due to my mom and going from the city to the country. My dad just rolls his eyes and says 'What's one more animal? We're already tied down from your dang horses!' He loves them though, as he shows when he goes and listens to the horses quiet munching every night :) He also says that if we didn't have all of these animals that we would be spending twice the feed bill on counseling. He's probably right, too :) I know I'd probably be in a much worse place if it wasn't for those little creatures :)
aBeautifulHope wrote:
melbaby80 wrote:
Love your introduction! Welcome! I love animals too, but my husband won't get me a mini farm :(
Thank you! My dad doesn't believe we need all of the animals we have (with about 12 hens on the way when we finally settle down for good in the next year or two) which, at last count, was 12 with 4-6 more on the way. But, I've always been involved with horses (I train them, 3 of my horses I've had since they were little. Sonny was a 9mos old pretty much untouched stud colt, Toby (my other, extremely talented QH) was an untouched yearling and then Kai was a completely unhandled 4mos old. Oh, and then there is the rehab mare...) and then we went super natural and self sufficent due to my mom and going from the city to the country. My dad just rolls his eyes and says 'What's one more animal? We're already tied down from your dang horses!' He loves them though, as he shows when he goes and listens to the horses quiet munching every night :) He also says that if we didn't have all of these animals that we would be spending twice the feed bill on counseling. He's probably right, too :) I know I'd probably be in a much worse place if it wasn't for those little creatures :)
Your lifestyle is like a dream of mine when I was your age. You seem like a bright teen! I have a daughter who will be 13 teen this year and I'm scared :lookaround. My kids love animals like I do and I blame it on my father. We grew up with every animal you could think of except farm animals. I have always wanted a horse, but who knows. I'm still young (31) and have an entire future ahead of me! :)
melbaby80 wrote:
Your lifestyle is like a dream of mine when I was your age. You seem like a bright teen! I have a daughter who will be 13 teen this year and I'm scared :lookaround. My kids love animals like I do and I blame it on my father. We grew up with every animal you could think of except farm animals. I have always wanted a horse, but who knows. I'm still young (31) and have an entire future ahead of me! :)

It is a dream for me! Horses are a lot of work, but completely worth it. I actually just got in from feeding and checking on the extremely prego goats (Actually, I need to trim one of mine). It's so soothing to just sit and listen to their munching, and to smell their sweet, grass-smelling breath. Pure heaven. I also happen to be homeschooled (mainly because of the animals and because we do move around) so I am done with school (and most of my classes are Honors/AP classes, and if I wanted to I could graduate this, or next year.) anywhere from 9am to noon depending on my day and whether it's a core day or not (I do get up at 4 and have math and science done by the time I go out to feed at 7) It's also nice because I get to choose my own courses (like next year since I'm done with all of my lab courses I get to take Horse Nutrition for Science and this year I was able to take a Barefoot Trimming course for a Barn Mgmt credit) and I get to be on a schedule that would be like a college. I will be much more prepared for college than your average teen because I have been doing college level courses all through highschool. My english could use some more work ;). Precisely why my mother has now switched my english to something that will completely kick my rear.

The teen years, everyone's worst nightmare :biggrin: I love the stuff you can pull with everyone just saying it's because I'm a teenager, it's awesome. Although, the whole being in between kid and adult stinks. I went through a period of time where a lot of not-so-good-stuff happened so I grew up quicker than most which means when people still treat me like a child I want to sit there and scream. I have had a business, I run a barn, I ran my old trainer's barn at 10 years of age, and my family treats me like an adult. So confusing. I take it back, I hate the teen years ;)
Weird. I live in Northern Cali and am 16 too. I've had to grow up faster too since I have arthritis I had to learn to be responsible and take my medicine at 4. I hate when people treat me like a kid or ask if I'm in elementary school (I'm short for my age) it's super annoying. Anyway, welcome to the forum! There are experts here that can help with almost any question you can think of.
StitchLover wrote:
Weird. I live in Northern Cali and am 16 too. I've had to grow up faster too since I have arthritis I had to learn to be responsible and take my medicine at 4. I hate when people treat me like a kid or ask if I'm in elementary school (I'm short for my age) it's super annoying. Anyway, welcome to the forum! There are experts here that can help with almost any question you can think of.
Ack, having arthritis has got to stink.
Yes, it does stink. Although, I look older than I am (most think I'm a college student) since I am really tall (try 5'10/11) so most people tend to treat me more like an adult...But, it's still irksome when I do tell someone my age they immediately stop talking about anything worthwhile (like I can't talk politics or modern day slave trade?) and think I can only talk about something shallow. Sorry, rant over. This is just a pet peeve of mine :)
aBeautifulHope wrote:
melbaby80 wrote:
Your lifestyle is like a dream of mine when I was your age. You seem like a bright teen! I have a daughter who will be 13 teen this year and I'm scared :lookaround. My kids love animals like I do and I blame it on my father. We grew up with every animal you could think of except farm animals. I have always wanted a horse, but who knows. I'm still young (31) and have an entire future ahead of me! :)

It is a dream for me! Horses are a lot of work, but completely worth it. I actually just got in from feeding and checking on the extremely prego goats (Actually, I need to trim one of mine). It's so soothing to just sit and listen to their munching, and to smell their sweet, grass-smelling breath. Pure heaven. I also happen to be homeschooled (mainly because of the animals and because we do move around) so I am done with school (and most of my classes are Honors/AP classes, and if I wanted to I could graduate this, or next year.) anywhere from 9am to noon depending on my day and whether it's a core day or not (I do get up at 4 and have math and science done by the time I go out to feed at 7) It's also nice because I get to choose my own courses (like next year since I'm done with all of my lab courses I get to take Horse Nutrition for Science and this year I was able to take a Barefoot Trimming course for a Barn Mgmt credit) and I get to be on a schedule that would be like a college. I will be much more prepared for college than your average teen because I have been doing college level courses all through highschool. My english could use some more work ;). Precisely why my mother has now switched my english to something that will completely kick my rear.

The teen years, everyone's worst nightmare :biggrin: I love the stuff you can pull with everyone just saying it's because I'm a teenager, it's awesome. Although, the whole being in between kid and adult stinks. I went through a period of time where a lot of not-so-good-stuff happened so I grew up quicker than most which means when people still treat me like a child I want to sit there and scream. I have had a business, I run a barn, I ran my old trainer's barn at 10 years of age, and my family treats me like an adult. So confusing. I take it back, I hate the teen years ;)
I'm currently working on my masters in teaching and doing it all online. This is my second degree I have done online. You're basically teaching yourself in a sense, but I love school and can not wait to become a teacher! :) Snuggle all your horses for me, my dream horse was a gold palomino and I would have named it cornbread :biggrin:
melbaby80 wrote:
aBeautifulHope wrote:
melbaby80 wrote:
Your lifestyle is like a dream of mine when I was your age. You seem like a bright teen! I have a daughter who will be 13 teen this year and I'm scared :lookaround. My kids love animals like I do and I blame it on my father. We grew up with every animal you could think of except farm animals. I have always wanted a horse, but who knows. I'm still young (31) and have an entire future ahead of me! :)

It is a dream for me! Horses are a lot of work, but completely worth it. I actually just got in from feeding and checking on the extremely prego goats (Actually, I need to trim one of mine). It's so soothing to just sit and listen to their munching, and to smell their sweet, grass-smelling breath. Pure heaven. I also happen to be homeschooled (mainly because of the animals and because we do move around) so I am done with school (and most of my classes are Honors/AP classes, and if I wanted to I could graduate this, or next year.) anywhere from 9am to noon depending on my day and whether it's a core day or not (I do get up at 4 and have math and science done by the time I go out to feed at 7) It's also nice because I get to choose my own courses (like next year since I'm done with all of my lab courses I get to take Horse Nutrition for Science and this year I was able to take a Barefoot Trimming course for a Barn Mgmt credit) and I get to be on a schedule that would be like a college. I will be much more prepared for college than your average teen because I have been doing college level courses all through highschool. My english could use some more work ;). Precisely why my mother has now switched my english to something that will completely kick my rear.

The teen years, everyone's worst nightmare :biggrin: I love the stuff you can pull with everyone just saying it's because I'm a teenager, it's awesome. Although, the whole being in between kid and adult stinks. I went through a period of time where a lot of not-so-good-stuff happened so I grew up quicker than most which means when people still treat me like a child I want to sit there and scream. I have had a business, I run a barn, I ran my old trainer's barn at 10 years of age, and my family treats me like an adult. So confusing. I take it back, I hate the teen years ;)
I'm currently working on my masters in teaching and doing it all online. This is my second degree I have done online. You're basically teaching yourself in a sense, but I love school and can not wait to become a teacher! :) Snuggle all your horses for me, my dream horse was a gold palomino and I would have named it cornbread :biggrin:
I will :) I love pali's! I like them when they are almost a chestnut...The darker the better :) Cornbread would also be a perfect name!

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