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Jul 12, 2007
Reaction score
Pomona, New York, USA
hey all! i just wanted to write a few lines to let everyone that Buckley is well. He is still up to his same ole self. He spends most of his time hopping around and relaxing. He loves affection and will let you know if he needs more or has had enough. Ibought him a straw mat this evening for his home to sleep on on at night. I picked him up and layed him on the mat,pet him, and explained to him that it is his new sleep mat. QUESTION! is there something that anyone would recommend beside the straw mat that i could put in his cage for comfort when he sleeps?
I loved the Halloween pics that are posted of the hollobunnies, I did buy Buckley a costume and I put it on him to take his pictures, but he just hopped away and was trying to bite it off and was grunting up a storm, NO MORE COSTUMES FOR BUCKLEY!!
Wel, I hope that all is well with everyone
With love and smiles ~JILL AND BUCKLEY~
Hi Jill!

Im so happy to hear you and Buckley are doing well!

As for his floor- what kind of flooring is it? If its a wire bottom you can buy rubber sink mats to put down that help a little. I have a kitty bed that I use for one of my boys, Mr. Tumnus, he sleeps in it. I took the stuffing out of the bottom bc he kept trying to push it around. He loves that thing! I also have little pillows in some of my cages that my bunnies like to lay their heads on.

Have you or Jim heard from Buckley's owner? I would think at this point maybe he could stay with you for good if you spoke to her? It seems like he's very attached to you now, and visa versa.

Anyway, Im glad to hear all is well!

jilla20 wrote:
QUESTION! is there something that anyone would recommend beside the straw mat that i could put in his cage for comfort when he sleeps?
A w w w w w !! So glad to hear from you and Buckley! :inlove:

Re: your question, everybun is different, so it's going to be trial and error to a certain extent. Grass mats are great, they're digestibleand safe, in particular the non-imported ones. (The ones from China, etc, have to be sprayed before entering the US and Canada and while they're not 'toxic', the jury's still out re: complete long-termsafety).

One bunny might chew and eat carpet, another might do the same with rubber or plastic. I even have a couple of drywall addicts here. :rollseyes

All of mine love old towels and don't digest them, but I discovered the hard way with Dill and Pipp that once they discover the joys of digging and chewing cloth, they don't stop with towels. :grumpy:

Paper is safe, but they all love to shred it, so it can be messy. I have cardboard boxes all over the place and Dill and Sherry's favourite sleeping place is on top of one, especially with paper or a towel covering it.

My fosters love their carpet and haven't tried to eat it. (Can't say the same for Dill, though).

Does Buckley not like themat?

sas :wiggle
hi haley! he has a wire flooring in his cage. He loves his straw mat I was just looking out side the box to see what else would be good for him. i just have to be careful b/c he is a chewer.
I myself have not heard from Hollace and Jim has not given me any indication that he has either. Buckley has been a member of our home for 4.5 months and we will consider himpermanent unless something else comes up. Buckley is very settled,comfortable,and loved. We would hate to loose him.
Thank you for your additional suggestions.
Smiles ~JILL and BUCKLEY~
Hey Pip! In fact Buckley LOVES his straw mat. He is very territorial over it! When i open up his cage to let him out he plants himself on the mat and if I go to pick him up he starts grunting and oinking. As JimD he will tell you that Buckley is one of the most talkative bunnies he has encountered. I have to be careful with what i put down for him b/c he is a chewer I have a cardboard box under the dining room table for him to chew on and under the fooseball table i have an extra hayrack so he can chew on the hay instead of the furniture.
Thank you for the additional comments
~smiles JILL and BUCKELY~
Hi Jill!!!

I'm so glad to hear that Buckley is doing so well!! :biggrin2:

I use baby blankets and cotton bath towels for the bunnies. Luckily none of then ingest them. And when they get soiled, I simply toss a load in the washer/dryer.

Annnnd........I haven't heard anything from Hollace.


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