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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
So, the woman manager at Pets At Home who handled our adoption of Barney and Snowy was telling us the other day (whilst looking around to see that no-one was listening) that she doesn't buy her hay there, but she gets it from a horse feed store on the outskirts of Bristol.

So we went out there today, and WOW! They have 'slices' of hay (meadow)in REALLY big bags at £2 each, or they sell whole bales for £3 each!! They also sell whole bale sized bags of pure dried grass for £7- this is sooooo cheap compared to everywhere else we've bought from! We don't have room for a bale at the moment but we got some of the slices of hay, and a bag of the pure dried grass, and oh my do the buns love it! Chalk smelt it all from the bottom of her cage and hopped all the way to the top and ate it all! :D

Only problem is that Steve is allergic so we've had to buy an air purifier to help with his hayfever, now that we have a whole field's worth of grass in our living room LOL!

Is there any problem with feeding the grass alongside the hay? Like, should I only feed a small amout, or can I free-feed it like I do the hay?


Jen xx
That's great! :)I'm allergic to hay too - what a pain in the rear! I wasn't sure if I was allergic to my horses, rabbits, Prairie dogs... then it dawned on me, what do they all have in common? :p

I know with my guys they gets lot of grass, but it's a *limited* amount, compared to the hay, since they get however much of that they want.

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