Have You Made A Cage With Wire Cubes?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
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, , USA
I'm bringingSebastian in for thewinter! I had planned to take his cage to the garagebut I have him inside all the time anyway, so I'm going to make him aninside cage. I like Elf's palace and think I'm going to head in thatdirection. Maybe not so large. Any tips from anyone who has worked withthese wire cubeswill be much appreciated. I already have thespecial pliers and any tools that would be needed. My husband couldbuild the space shuttle, butI want to make this bymyself!

I made a cage for Ella with the wire cubes and now my guinea pigs are using them for their cage.

You can do just about anything with them...I used cable ties/zip stripsto hold them together, and dowels to steady andy shelving/ledges that Iadded. That's all, and I had it set on a table that I made somy smaller kids couldn't get to Ella. Here is a pic of hers.
I built her a bigger cage with 1x2 wire and stuff, because I wanted a bigger place for the guinea pigs...

That blue stuff is coroplast $10 at a sign store, and works wonders asa catch-all pan. I use it under Ella's new cage, as well asin the guinea pig cage...it is plastic, and you can cut it to foldit...it comes in 4 x 8 sheets.

One big thing is balancing the squares, until you have a few of themup...it is a major pain, and sometimes an extra hand or two is greatuntil you can connect them...
Whoa, that's awesome DM. Talk about a Guinea Pigplayland, lol. Where can you buy the cubes at? I am wanting make makeseveral inside runs in the barn for my buns, and that seems like afairly cheap way to do it.

I made up Guin and Gir's Camelot with themtoo. But I used plastic cableties to lock them together andthen used wooden dowels to secure the other floors from bunny bounces.

Then since my buns are litter trained, I dont use the cloroplast but that is a great idea!

They are completely customisable so they can really fit in any place you set aside =)

Well, I really intended on making Elf's Palaceall by myself too. So, I set up the cube tiles, got my ties out,started working....

And the hubby got into it. LOL

I am glad I had his help, though. We had a lot of fun creating it together. :D

EDIT: this is the site I used as a reference:http://www.michiganrabbitrescue.org/condo.htm
I've seen severaldifferent posts mentioning carpet. Do you not have to worry about themgetting blocked up by eating carpet fibers?Does anyone knowhow much those grass mat thingys cost at Pier One?
From what I remeber, they're in the neighborhood of $6 :)
I found my squares at Target in the children's"furniture" department. They have the cubes with 1 x 1 insquares I think maybe Walmart...not in any of my Walmarts in Texasthough.

Those squares are great for anything...I used them as dividers in ouroutside rabbit enclosure, so I could have more than one rabbit out, andthey worked great, I just made them 3 high, so they wouldn't reallythink about jumping over....They do work better for the smaller bunsthough...I can't be confident that Bubba couldn't take it down if hewanted to....I also used the left overs for doors to my othercages. Works excellent, and just the right size forCalifornians and mini lops. Bubba has a back door that ismade of four squares and braced by 1/4" dowels so that I can reach intohis cage to clean...and take him out without any hassle.

www.caviecages.com is where I gotthe idea for the guinea pigs...it's great because there doesn't need tobe a top (they don't jump or climb) and it's easier access for me toclean and the boys to reach them if the guinea pigs want to be pet, butI could make it as large as I wanted so they could get away from theboys if necessary too. There might be some ideas for bunnycages there too...I don't remember. But do use the dowels forextra support under any shelves/ledges.

Good luck with the cage...it's an experience, and much better thanhaving to cut welded wire...I think I have carpal tunnel from all thecages that I had to make for our Cals!!!
If your bun is into eating carpet then carpetisnt a good idea. My buns like to lick the carpet, and dig atit, and spits out the fabric (I watched VERY carefully)

I get my cubes at Target, I think 14.99 for 26 squares.Walmart occasionally sells them, and I think Linens and Things has aversion too.

I buy the grass placemats at Pier 1 because our Pier 1 never has themats in stock. But the placemats are 3-4 dollars a piece (Igot mine on sale yay!)

busybunny.com also sells cheap grass mats in two sizes =)

Lucky Sebastian is going to have a condo!
Yay for Sebastian coming inside for thewinter!!!! I know you've wanted him inside for a while now, Raspberry.:) Good luck and have fun, we had a lot of fun building our cage. Ican't wait to see pictures of it.
Ohhhhh Megan......After browsing through your site I've once again decided I need

Mr. Wiggles. I'm putting together a planright this verymoment. I'm going to contact the rest of the bunnynappers.Dreamgal is always in for this kind of thing and so isMyBunnyBoys...As long as we're speaking of thingsthat I must have...

I WANT THAT LITTLE RED HEADED BABYTOO!http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSzeb00142US


I'm afraid that just wont work! I've decided that Mr. Wiggles is lonelywithout a rabbit companion and I was hatching my own plan bunnynapSebastian!

As for the red headed baby, if you MUST have her, you should be warnedahead of time that she is prone to being irresistibly adorable, and nomatter how firm you try to be with her, you are often overwhelmed bythe amount of cuteness she possesses :D


i want a cage like that for my two after theylearn to love each other. Megan i love the baby!!! She isreally cute. Looks cute with her in the cage. My son used tolay in the dog kennel of course he went months thinking he was a dogand said he name was dog. He nows says his name is Tyler!!!!!

LOL Cristy! If I go some place really crowded onmy own I sometimes use those elastic kid leahses, one time I was usingthem and the kids had this great idea to walk around barking. Peoplestarted giving me the dirtiest looks! LOL At least I knewwhere they were!


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