Have a call into the vet

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Apr 26, 2011
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wantagh, New York, USA
Ok so my approximate 6month old nether land dwarf bunnies are housed together. They groom each other all the time, and from what I can see, do not fight at all. Yesterday when we were playing with them I norhiced that Zoey was missing a patch of fun right between her eyes. No bleeding, no scratch or anything but pulled out fur. This morning, the patch is even bigger. I am hoping that they are not fighting during the night.
The male, Pixie is scheduled to be neutered next week. After I took both to the vet for their first check up, she said it was fine to have them housed together because Pixie is younger than Zoey and he was not sexually mature yet. I have seen him hump her, about a month ago. I havent seen him being aggressive to her, she is definitely the dominant bunny and this was confirmed at the vets office when she watched them interact.
Any ideas? Should I separate them again? I have two cages from when Pixie leg was broken.
Could be overgrooming. How much space do they have? It might resolve when they are speutered and their hormones calm down, although some rabbits that overgroom can't be stopped so they have to have separate cages and just play together.

So this is a boy and a girl together? If so, I'm disappointed in your vet. Some rabbits become fertile as early as 3-4 months, even though it would be hard on their young bodies. I'd get the girl scheduled for a spay ASAP.
Over grooming may be the right call. Thank you. pixie loves loves to lick! I have the boy scheduled for a neuter next week. I may just separate them to make sure. I don't think Zoey is pregnant. She told me not to have Zoey spayed till at least one year old. She is only 2 lbs now and pixie is only 1.2 lbs!
They are in a large cage, and spend mist of their time lying next to each other. It's so sweet.
Still waiting on the vets call....thank you for the quick response.
Are you sure your vet is good with rabbits? I'm getting some signals that she's not. It's usually recommended by expert rabbit vets and rescues to get females spayed around 6 months regardless of size, although many vets do earlier if they feel the rabbit is well-developed and has hit puberty. Smaller breeds develop faster. My dwarf girl was spayed at around 4 months, and she had very obviously hit puberty well over a month before that. Males can be neutered as soon as their testicles drop, if needed.

Also, I have known of accidental pregnancies where the mom gave birth when she was only around 4 months, meaning she got pregnant at 3 months. Rabbits really do breed like rabbits!

I would start asking around to find a more experienced rabbit vet. Contact rabbit rescues in your area- they might know of someone in your area.
She is actually a rabbit specialist. Her practice is strictly rabbits and cats. I did my homework before I committed to a vet and she came the most highly recommended.
I can only guess the reason that she said I could wait on the spay may have been a cost factor for me? It's going to run me 280 for the neuter, plus the cost of the spay after the male is healed.
When she examined pixie, it was still very hard to tell that he is male because his testicles had not dropped yet, she had felt for sacs that she thought were present. Apparently, the pet store had sold him way to early than they should have, he was only 6weeks when I got him.
Anyway, I appreciate the response, I'm still waiting for her to call back!
I think that waiting to spay is one thing, but keeping them together when they are intact is another. I had to wait about 6 months after getting Amelia spayed due to money issues and she was about 7 months when I got her. I did have her bonded with Korr for about 2 months before she was spayed, but he has been neutered for close to 5 years at that point, so there were no risks of her getting pregnant and they did get along.

$280 is a lot for a neuter. I paid $268 for Amelia's spay and that is expensive in my mind. But I guess New York is expensive compared to other areas.

It should not be that hard to tell the sexes right if you know what to look for. It is not just about the testicles, the genitalia is different. I know many breeders can tell at 4-6 weeks.

I guess if you are comfortable with them then that is good. I would make sure that you know some basics, especially things that could be life threatening so you know if they are giving bad info. One important thing is that rabbits should not be fasted before surgery or afterwards. Some techs will tell you to withold food, but that can be bad for rabbits. They cannot vomit, so there is no risk or them aspirating on it. They should have food right up until surgery and right after if they will eat it.
Thats exactly what they told me when I made the appt. That they can eat right up to the time that I drop him in the morning.
Yes, unfortunately everything in NY is more. The initial visit was $85 for a checkup. I thought that was high too.
After what I paid to have his leg Xray, IV drip and an overnight stay at the Emergency vet clinic, nothing shocks me though!!
I am pretty sure I know the vet zeekat goes to, there are only two rabbit savvy vets where she lives and only one of themthatworks withrabbits & cats. They are my vet too, and she's a very good vet. And yes, prices in New York are pretty high too.
I just wanted to interject that I've been with that vet for many years for my cats and both my rabbits and they are very good vets, and the staff is wonderful too.
*Yikezees!* $85 for an office visit? I thought the $55 at my vet was expensive. :p lol
But, I suppose you're paying for their rabbit experience, so if they know what they're doing, its worth it.
My vet is $80 plus tax, so it is about $84 for a check up. That does seem pretty normal in the city. I am almost scared to ask them what a neuter will be as I now have 2 that will need it, so whatever it is will be doubled.

I do feel that it is worth it. I could go to a cheaper vet, but I don't know if I would trust them as much. I know my vet and I like her, I can't say that for other vets in the city as I don't know them. I would rather pay a bit more and end up with a live bunny at the end and feel comfortable than try to cut corners and end up feeling bad if something went wrong.

The one main emergency clinic that deals with rabbits is more expensive. It's like $100 for an office visit and just goes up from there. I don't know what an emergency visit would cost and hope I don't have to find out.
Yep, its worth it for a rabbit experienced vet. Those are in high demand these days and hard to find. =P The emergency clinics are $100 around here, just for an office visit. But same way, its worth it if they can take proper care of your bunny!
I just paid $650 for a dental there for my cat (he had an impacted tooth and needed a few extractions.)

What I can say that I love about them is that they do 100% what is in the best interest of the animal. They do not suggest surgeries or treatments to make a buck, everything they do is to improve and keep the quality of life for every animal in their care. So if they do think something is warranted, I can be behind it 100%.

And, they truly care about every one of their patients, and follow up on them all the time.
Yes they do. I just got off the phone with her a little while ago and she assured me that it's nothing to worry about, that pixie is just grooming her and it's totally safe and normal. She did advise me at this point to separate them since I saw some humping going on. Lets hope Zoey isnt pregnant, although she said that Zoey would have already had the babies if she were pregnant after the first time I saw it.
Anyway, back to separate cages for now..
Thanks for all the replies.
There may have been humping that you did not see so she could be pregnant. It only takes 5 or 10 seconds for a male rabbit to impregnate a doe.
Yes, the vet did say that, i hope she isnt , she hasnt been acting like she is preg, if the gestation period is what the vet said it is, she would have had babies already, but you never know.
i will separate tomorrow.
thanks again for all the input i really appreaciate it
Yes, the vet did say that, i hope she isnt , she hasnt been acting like she is preg, if the gestation period is what the vet said it is, she would have had babies already, but you never know.
i will separate tomorrow.
thanks again for all the input i really appreaciate it

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