Has anyone seen "The Secret"?

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Hey - I watched about 15 minutes of the Oprah -it seemed pretty interesting - what was the premise of the wholething? I saw when they were talking about being able to letgo of things before you could receive more in your life. Hadsome really good points.

I haven't yet watched "The Secret", but I have afriend that's trying to get it to me to see (haven't been able to meetup with her for the week since she mentioned it, or I would've seen itby now).

But I did see last night's Oprah. Really neat how much it lines up with my beliefs...:D

I'm excited to see the movie!! :D
the secret really is amazing. i've been livingthis philosophy, this lifestyle for some time now and even moreactively lately. every day i write an email to my sister saying all thethings i am grateful for... some things are in my life now and some arethings i wish to have in my life ------- then she writes back withhers. every month we start a new email! ------ it's a great way toincrease the joy, prosperity, abundance and bliss in your life. onceyou start to really be grateful for all you have... more flows towardyou. my magazine is actually doing an issue on this in a few months.http://www.timelessspirit.com
I got a DVD of The Secret some months back...

It was kinda cool actually, as I was on a forum saying how in AustraliaThe Secret hadn't been released (even though it was actually made by anAustralian company!!) due to some weird network thing (finally came onAustralian TV last week!!)

Anyway, this guy from America offered to buy me a copy and sendit...and he was so nice, didn't even let me pay him for it!!! (Ioffered several times!)

I'm intrigued!..what is the secret,i have some sort of an idea from reading the few replies here,but i'm still curious lol

the secretis...[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2MqciSMOmk[/ame] the art ofallowing... creating your own reality... the power of positivethinking, feeling and acting![ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5yeHR3RUKo[/ame]
I saw it and thought it was pretty boring at thetime. I'd like to watch it again though because I think if I watched italone (I was with a group of friends the first time) I would get moreout of it.

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