Harry Potter Spoiler thread!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Ok, so I guess I probably finished first, hopefully someone else will finish soon, because I have no one to discuss this with, lol.

I'm going to put the spoiler ingrey incase some silly person clicks this and cries because it was an accident.

Can anyone explain to me why Dumbledore's wand became Draco's?

That's the only bit I didn't understand.

The second half of the book was excellent though.

Someone hurry up and finish :D
As I said in the other thread I'm not allowed to read it yet, but I've read all the spoilers. I just could'nt wait until Sian's finished reading it, I will be old and wrinkly by then!
Who died, erm Hedwig, Mad-Eye-Moody, Voldemort (obviously), Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Dobby, Snape. Erm, can't think of others right now.

Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were all fine, and they went on to have children (Harry and Ginny married, and Ron and Hermione married) and the 19 years later bit was them at the platform 9 3/4 seeing their children onto the train.

wow! so many died! i heard 2 main characters die in the 7th book. but now i am confused, what two??
I finished to book late last night. :)

Buckbeak was mentioned a bit I think, he didn't die.

After the battle of Hogwarts 50 people died, though she only told us a few. Colin Creevey died then, Bellatrix Lestrange was killed by Molly Weasley, Crabbe dies in the Room of requirement when he set it on fire, but it was cursed fire so they couldn't put it out, but Harry saved Malfoy and Goyle's lives. Wormtail died, too, when he showed a little bit or mercy to Harry the Siver hand stangled him.

I knew Harry would be a Horcrux! I just said that to a friend a few days ago.

I'll admit though, I was disappointed by the ending, I really wanted to find out more about what happened to them in the future, and most people weren't even mentioned, like Luna. :?Otherwise it was great!

Did anybody cry? I cried a lot when Dobby died, and when Harry saw Remus and Tonks' bodies.

no, I didn't cry. I was saddest when Hedwig died, but nothing else made me sad really, well, sad enough to cry.

I don't know who the two main characters were, Voldemort and Snape, I agree is possible, but was Fred considered main? Because I would personally count the main characters as Harry, Ron, Hermione and possibly Dumbledore.
I cried when Hedwig died...

Awesome book though. It took me a while to get my hands on it then other people and sleep kept dragging me away.

I'm kinda sad that it's over now.
I expected one of the main three to die. Its was inevitable that Voldemort would die, but I'm a bit stumped, don't know who she meant the to main characters were.
I'm going to start from the first book and read them all through because I know it ties a lot of things in and I want to see if it gives a different spin on anything.

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