Harper's sick... again

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I'm skipping classes Monday to take him to the vet. Again.

He's still massively shedding and the bald patches continue. The vet said if it continued, to bring him back to be tested for a vitamin deficiency, which he has tested positive for before. After previous tests, the vet said this was due to his body not absorbing nutrients like it should.

He's also not pooping nearly as much and the poops are a good bit smaller. This is despite the Laxatone. So we may be looking at like his4th (or is it 5th...) blockage yet.

He seems okay for now (good thing, my vet's gone till Monday) still eating and drinking. Usually he always continues to eat and drink,unless it's bad like the last blockage that required surgery.

I don't really need advice (feel free to give some though! I just meant I didn't have any questions) considering I've already went through this time and time again. Thought I'd ask for some prayers and positive thoughts though, please.

Poor Harper! :(

I can't offer you much advice, as the only experience I've had with sick bunnies is a mysterious lump on Ollie's leg, but I'll keep Harper in my thoughts and prayers. :pray:

Keep us updated!

Oh hun, i'm sorry! With all you are going through, this can't help matters. You are both in my prayers. Keep us updated on that sweet boy.
A w w w w ... Poor Harper. :cry3

Just don't get stressed out, it's catchy. For that matter, a lot of it could be him picking up your stress vibes, and the stress of the new bunnies. Just be extra calm and extra attentive. :bunnieskiss

Hope he's okay. He's such a special boy.

sas :pray:

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. As mentioned, he is eating and drinking normally for the most part, so I know this is a good sign. However, with all the experience I've had with him and his blockages, his change in poops (size, shape and frequency) is always the first indicator of a problem with him. He's pretty much got me trained in this area, LOL.

Pipp, so far the other two rabbits are still in another room. I was going to re-house Thumper in here, but decided against it for a few days until this has subsided. Thumper still comes and sits on my bed at night, but does not get on the floor or anywhere where Harper walks.I'm trying to keep his stress level as a minimum, which is why JJ and Thumper are still separated from him completely.

Hopefully this is nothing a different laxative and some vitamins can't treat.

EDITED, like always, for typing errors.
Poor Harper. He (and you) just can't get a break.:(

Have you tried feeding canned pumpkin? The fiber and fluids can help a lot. I always feed it when my buns are shedding a lot and it really helps when their poops get small and hard.

Thanks Angela, I'll try the canned pumpkin. I had to buy some last week for a guinea pig who occassionally gets blocked (though not nearly to the extent of Harper) and the canned pumpkin worked great. I'll pick a can up when I go to the store in a little while.

My vet reccomended step one baby food for Rabbit because we're dealing with a blockage now. Within 24 hours of starting her on it she was pooping!

Sorry to hear your little Harper is sick! Let us know what you find out at the vet!
:pray: for both of you :hug2:
Aww...I hope he feels better soon...:pray:
Vet wants to up the laxatone, add the pumpkin and add more types of hay for fiber. Also wants me to give him fresh pineapple. Which is about all we can do short of surgery. Again. But it hasn't gotten to that point yet.

Vitamin wise, more veggies (he's so picky...), add in some fruits,especially oranges, and more Nutri-Cal. If worse comes to worse,vitamin shots. Won't Harper be happy.

He seems pretty normal tonight, attitude wise. He's not acting like he feels unwell or anything, so that's good.

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