Hard weekend... bunny fight!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
North Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Last week I brought home Briscoe, a sweet little 8 week old Dutch bunny. His first introduction with Sweet D (my 10 month old Himalayan) went well. Sweet D just sniffed him and hopped around, pretty much ignored him aside from a few thumps. After that, I kept them in cages side by side. They sniffed through the bars, but no aggression was shown.

Friday night, I took the xpen outside in the backyard for some neutral ground for their second meeting. As soon as I put Brisoce down in the pen, Sweet D went bizerk and started attacking Briscoe. It was terrifying, I'd never seen anything like that. Sweet D has always been a total sweetheart, he's never so much as nipped me or scratched me accidentally. Anyway, I clapped loudly and yelled and he let him go.

I scooped up Briscoe and got him inside only to find a cut on his side. I burst into tears of course (I think it was mainly the shock of the whole thing, but I cried the whole time I was cleaning him up!) but after I took a closer look, I realized it wasn't so bad. It wasn't really bleeding, just basically looked like a big chunk of missing fur. I washed it and put some antibiotic ointment on it. The little sweetie seemed completely un-phased and was totally fine.

I put Sweet D back in his cage and he kept trying to fight through the bars, so I put them in separate rooms. I know if I gave it more time, there's a chance they'd end up fine... but, I have no desire whatsoever to ever see that again! :shock:

I knew right then and there I had to find a new home for Briscoe. Seeing them fight was horrifying. So luckily, I was able to find him a great new home and he'll be happy, but it was still hard seeing him go, even though I only had him for about a week. Sweet D will remain a single bun-child.
Bunny fights are terrifying. Know exactly how you feel. Thinking these sweet bunnies can just tear into each other is very upsetting. I keep my 5 separate, they know others are in the house, but they bonded to me and my husband.

Sometimes you can go as slow as molasses introducing two bunnies, and still get the same result. Bunny fights.Enjoy your single bun.

Bun fights can be scary, so I understand. The combination of thin skin and sharp teeth can make things go south pretty quickly, but I don't think you necessarily have to give up Briscoe if you're willing to try taking things more slowly. Are they spayed/neutered? That can really help with bonding.
missyscove wrote:
Bun fights can be scary, so I understand. The combination of thin skin and sharp teeth can make things go south pretty quickly, but I don't think you necessarily have to give up Briscoe if you're willing to try taking things more slowly. Are they spayed/neutered? That can really help with bonding.
Sweet D is neutered, Briscoe was not (too young). I've already rehomed him. Keeping him wasn't really an option for me. I couldn't take the chance of them fighting any more.

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