Guess what we picked up tonight.

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cool! my little sis has a couple of little piggies... err... not so little piggies! I actually sometimes draw the biger of the two as a blimp with ears and a nose... :wink:
I think they're cute, too! and those squeaks they make! you'd never think something like that could come out of a rodent... I guess that's why they're called guinea pigs ... they sound like it! :)
lol true. My favorite thing I loved when we had 22 piggies. Everytime we would rattle a bag or have veggies for them all 22 piggies would all be lined up against the grids wheeking so loud until I reach in. Oh bad bad move. Half of them would take my finger as it would be a carrot. lol I miss that site but now I am down to 3 pluss these 4 adnt he other 2 that are going to a new home soon.

WE are only keeping King who is the daddy. We are keeping Rainbow who is the mother until we meet my friend Jess. She is breeding silkies, peurvian, and teddies. The silkies and peurvians are long hair and that is who my Hairyette was. A honey coloured Silkie. My hubby wants a teddy so she will take Rainbow who is pregnant now and we will get either 2 or 3 girls from her.
22?!? wow, that's alot of piggies! My little sis has two... I don't have a clue what kind they are... maybe you could tell me???
Post some pictures I can help. hey you and your sis should sign up on my forum. It is all pets but most likely it will be mostly piggies.

Here are the new gangs.

Here is PipSqueak

Momma Rainbow


Daddy King

Rainbow and King are the parents of these 2 bubs, Patches, Autumn and Prince. King is the daddy to Checkers. Now Prince Autumn, Checkers, and Patches we have had for almost 2 yrs.
Thanks, SPM!

Yeah, Buffie is very fluffy... well, not exactly fluffy. She has a permanent cowlick smack in the middle of her back! It's really cute! :)
I used to have two guinea pigs. Spike was given to me at a pet shop. He came with the cage & everything. A little boy was allergic to him and he had to get rid of him. SO I took him home. He lived for about another 4-5 years. I had no Idea how old he was, and I still don't. But I was also allergic to him, but I loved him too much! He was sooo sweet. When he passed away I got another one. Aspen. But he was so 'bitey'. I think I was only 7 years old. When I tried to reach in his cage to even give him more food, or change his water bowl He would try to bite me. So the lady at the pet store let me go in and play with each of the other guinea pigs until I found one that I really loved. :D
SweetPeasMommie wrote:
Dose she have a like a swirls along the butt area. Which it would be called rosettas. If she then she is an abby mix.
yup. She does... both she and Vanilla are pet store piggies, so it makes sense that they're mixes. thanks for the help!

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