Guess what I found!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2009
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, Texas, USA
Bird feeders!!


The bunny person in me immediately saw CHEAP HAY RACKS! Which was really exciting, because I needed four or five.

Picture One
Picture Two

I had only gone to PetCo for hay, but I turned the wrong way to leave and immediately saw them on the shelf. The ones I got look like the first picture, but the second picture is to show what they look like without the sticker thing.

The little ones were only $4, and the big ones were $8, which was awesome because the actual hay racks ran upward of $12. And the little ones hold the same amount of hay((handful)), and the big ones hold a LOT((three or four handfuls)).

They even have little chains on the top with hooks to secure them in place!

I think this just made me excited because now I didn't have to make five hay racks, which I had been planning on doing tomorrow. They're also so perfect, and the bunnies love them. The holes are perfectly sized for them. :)
ha ha ha when i first got Sooty i didnt have a hay rack and i used a tissue box,lol. I have found just dumping the hay in the litter box is the best for us, all the hay racks i would have to fill several times a day and they made a whole lot of mess. You can also use a NIC grid and bend it to make a rack, if you have a NIC cage already then that would be free. The bird feeders would work well too, i like the longer one.
I want one of those for putting veggies into!
Haha, you're welcome. I knew some people here would like it. XD

We don't use tissue boxes, and really no one we know does either. Also replacing a ripped up box every few weeks for seven rabbits would become a huge hassle.
5/7 of my rabbits don't have litter boxes, but I used to just dump hay for Harper. He only ended up eating half and pushed around the rest, it was a big waste.
I don't have NIC grids, and I've never been able to find them((I've checked three Walmarts and two Targets)). So that wouldn't work either.
Thanks for posting this. I am going to have to look for them next time I go out.

I tried the tissue box and I can use them with Chase. However, Little Bunny goes to the bathroom in them and makes a huge mess. So she gets hay in her litter box and then I like to have fresh hay somewhere else that I know stays clean.

I saw some of these at the dollar store ($1.50), and they might work as hay bins.
They are called Undershelf Wire Baskets.


You would stand it upwards so the opening is on top. Try to view it by looking down on it.
Does it make sense? :upsidedown:

I would cut some of the middle wires out so more hay can be pulled out.
Pet_Bunny- I wanted some of those! But I hadn't been able to find them either, except at the Container Store where they were like $10. We're quite short on cheap makeshift hay racks here somehow.
I just wanted to let everyone know you can buy those at feed store and wally world for about 2 buckls and yes there great for vegys and hay Chevy used to have one
I wish I had known they were at wally world for cheaper! I've been there twice this week, once right before I went to Petco.

The big ones I have hold SO MUCH hay! They look like the first picture, but are bigger, about notebook sized, and open from the top((whereas the smaller ones open on the side, but it's that much of a hassle really)). I would have gotten all big ones, but some of my rabbits don't eat as much hay so the little ones were best.

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