Got back from holiday and ended up straight at the vets....

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
We got back from our holiday at about 3.30 this afternoon. Had cuddles with all the bunnies, put some laundry on, unpacked some stuff, opened mail, etc. Finally sat down with a cup of tea and let Barney and Snowy out to play.

Barney somehow managed to sneak behind the sofa (while we were sat on it!) and chew a mains cable. We didn't realise he had got behind there until we heard a massive bang and he started scrabbling around :nerves1

He had singed all the whiskers on one side of his face, and the fur around one side of his mouth was all burnt and stank. I grabbed him and flipped him over, but couldn't see if there was any serious damage, so we called the vets straightaway.

We headed straight down to the hospital with him, in case he had any burns or anything that I couldn't see.... :cry1:

Somehow, he is the luckiest rabbit in the world and is absolutely fine! A very rabbit-savvy vet looked him all over and apart from the singed whiskers and fur, there is no sign of any burns anywhere around his mouth, or inside, or on his tongue, etc. He gave him a shot of pain meds and gave us the dose to repeat it if he needs it tomorrow. Since we got him home he's been munching hay and looking like nothing happened.

We feel TERRIBLE. Trying to explain it to the vets without sounding like we were really irresponsible wasn't fun- luckily he knows us and understood that we aren't awful pet owners! There is a board that stops the bunnies from getting behind the sofa to the wires, we can only think that it must have got moved while we were away, or something, and we didn't realise. :cry1:

This is on top of me fainting this morning and being very sick for most of the day, and Steve tripping down the steps in our holiday cottage this morning and twisting his ankle. THEN we had a flat battery and were late setting off for the 4-5hour drive home.

What a day! The holiday is most definitely over! :faint:
OH MY GOSH!! What a horrible way to spend your time back home again!

Barney, you Stinker!! I'm so happy to hear he's okay, though. I can't imagine going through an experience like that. How awful!

Are you guys okay? Sounds like everyone's getting injured or sick! :grumpy:
Thanks Rosie!

Yeah, we're fine, just feeling a little under the weather. I think I just have a stomach bug or something. Steve is laid up on the sofa with an ice pack on his ankle since it's swollen up a lot more since we got back.

Barney seems absolutely fine! He's been eating pellets and hay and loafing out all evening, and he took a treat from me. I think he was very lucky. It must have been such a shock for him, though. We freaked out and jumped up scrabbling to get him out from behind the sofa, and there was the smell of burnt fur on his nose/mouth :nerves1:nerves1:nerves1

The area is now well and truly blocked off again- I don't EVER want to go through that again...

Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Just when you thought you could home and relax Barney has to get into trouble. I'm gad to hear that he's just fine and didn't hurt himself besides losing some fur.

I hope you feel better as well. Just wondering if your pillowcase made it thru the week??

Thanks! :) He's happily munching away on his veggies like nothing ever happened.... PHEW :cry2

My pillowcase survived! Hooray! When we got back Dotty was under the bed and would only come to the edge for a noserub, so I left her be for a bit. Later on she started hurling herself up and down the landing, and when I got up there she was laid down as it to say 'well? Where's my cuddles?!' :)

Even Snowy let me pet her! Those bunnies must have missed us!
Yipes! Sorry to hear you had such a scary experience. Poor Barney, that must have hurt. What a lucky boy. And sorry to hear the rest of your day was so bad too.

I remember wayyyy back on New Year's Day 1997, we all heard a loud POP, the lamp went out and Cinnabun ran from behind a fake plant just reeling. He was moving like he was drunk. Then he shook his head and ran to his cage. Cue me freaking out (I was 11) and of course the vet wasn't open that day. Thankfully he was fine. He had managed to pull the cord down even though we'd bunny proofed- made sure to bunny proof a lot better after that!
My goodness! What a scare! You can't even seem to go away and come back and relax, can you!?

This sounds like something Dolla would do. They'd make a very mischivious team!
Glad to hear Barney is OK and I hope you and Steve feel better...

Juliette (on her last outing "inside") thought my lamp cord was VERY tempting and even though I moved it out of reach, I had to watch her as she kept looking for it...

OMG! that's one of my biggest fears! I worry they will get something and burn themselves like that or worse. THANK GOODNESS he's ok..... :hug:
wont be getting me fix of cute whisker pics from barney for a while then!!!!:cry1:

hope that you and steve had a nice holiday despite all that happened. welcome back:D
mouse_chalk wrote:
Thanks Rosie!

Yeah, we're fine, just feeling a little under the weather. I think I just have a stomach bug or something. Steve is laid up on the sofa with an ice pack on his ankle since it's swollen up a lot more since we got back.

Barney seems absolutely fine! He's been eating pellets and hay and loafing out all evening, and he took a treat from me. I think he was very lucky. It must have been such a shock for him, though. We freaked out and jumped up scrabbling to get him out from behind the sofa, and there was the smell of burnt fur on his nose/mouth :nerves1:nerves1:nerves1

The area is now well and truly blocked off again- I don't EVER want to go through that again...
Wow...:hug: and:hearts to you guys...

You need a vacation again!!
Thanks guys!

He's absolutely fine today- been binkying around all evening- over Snowy's head which always confuses her! :p He's actually a lot more active than he was before lol- maybe it woke him up a bit?!

It's really weird because the bunnies have chewed through wires before- we try to keep them all out of the way but they can be very determined at times. In our old house, Chalk managed to get behind the fridge and munch through the mains cable- the whole house tripped, as it should do, for safety, but Chalk just skipped out from behind the fridge as if nothing ever happened? Where as Barney tripped the whole house, the cable burnt, he burnt, and there was a big bang :? We're thinking that maybe the extension lead wasn't great- it was only a cheap one, so it wasn't as safe to begin with. :expressionless

Donna, I'll try and get some pics tomorrow of his burnt curly whiskers! Maybe he wanted to go Rex-like? :expressionless
Aww! Poor old man Barney! My mum's cockatiel did that, and we've called him "Sparky" since then! I am glad that he didn't get seriously hurt! He probably just scared himself a lot!

Gotta love holidays, eh?
mouse_chalk wrote:
Donna, I'll try and get some pics tomorrow of his burnt curly whiskers! Maybe he wanted to go Rex-like? :expressionless
As strange as it sounds, that's so cute! :)

I'm so glad he's doing better. :)
mouse_chalk wrote:
Donna, I'll try and get some pics tomorrow of his burnt curly whiskers! Maybe he wanted to go Rex-like? :expressionless
Awww he wanted to be a velveteen bunner!

Kisses to him from me!
Aww poor Barney! And poor you guys coming back to find your relaxing holiday is over! :hug1
mouse_chalk wrote:
Donna, I'll try and get some pics tomorrow of his burnt curly whiskers! Maybe he wanted to go Rex-like? :expressionless

hmmmmm he could be a closet rex??? or perhaps he so wants to be a rex that he's decided to take drastic action?

glad to read that the silly bunny is much better tho' give him a noserub from us all here:D
omg what a horrible day you had but THANK GOD my.......erm... your Barney is ok.

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