Goose in a hoop.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Quite a few years ago.. pre marriage, pre baby.. My then boyfriend and I recorded my Chihuahua Mix jumping through a hoop. Hehe!

I trained him to do this because.. well.. just because. Goose can do lots of tricks (I need to get them on camera) including Sit, Down, Come, Stay, Shake, Other Paw, Beg, High Five, Double High Five, "Which one?" (knowing which hand has the treat or whatever in it), Dance, Break A Dance (seriously! He does a spin on his back/butt cus he does it so fast!), Crawl, Play Dead ("Bang").. then the regular "Get in your bed", "Get in your house", etc. .. When one of my hubby's co-workers heard Ben bragging about my dog, he said, "Wow! You should teach him to jump through a flaming hoop!" So we thought it would be funny to teach him to jump through a hoop. Maybe we'll put some paper cut-out flames on it one day and record it, just for that guy. ;)

I love this video so much just because of the way Goose jumps.. Like a bunny or something! His legs are all curled up rather than in the "superman" position like you would think most dogs do. Oh, Goopy. ;)



P.S. This is my husband's Youtube channel.. so if you see random Special Effects type stuff come up, it's him.. (BenjaminRing) He has his Bachelor's Degree in Special Effects (post production movie making type stuff.)



Sorry for replying i'm new. I was wondering how you post a question or anything else?! I don't know how it works all I can do is reply right now. please answer?!! Thank you! :big wink:
Ohh! I think you just need to go to the top right hand corner of the forum where it says "New Topic" and you can start a new thread of your own! :) Hope that helps!