Giant breeds

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Wales, , United Kingdom
Hi all,
I was just looking for some information about the giant breeds. I would like to know about your experiances with them, how they compare to the smaller breeds in terms of general temperament, common health problems (I have been told that they commonly suffer from joint problems due to their size?), etc. and whether they have any special needs besides the obvious ones?

The bigger the cage, the better. Exercise helps the joints and bones remain strong. Larger breeds can also be prone to sore hocks.

I have a continental giant. He is only 13 weeks old. I got him at 9 weeks. He is an indoor rabbit but gets the run of the garden 0n fine days. He is litter trained which only took a couple of days. He learnt really fast. He is very friendly, more like a dog that a rabbit. He will weigh about 30lbs when grown. They don't live as long as smaller rabbits, only about 5 years. I love him to bits.

His ears are supposed to stick up. he's a bit of an odd ball lol.



The pic of the big boy is his grandad.

I have Flemmies, and I have never had one with joint problems, but I do have a buck with a heart problem. Personality wise, I think the giants are soo much easier to handle, calmer and quieter, I would rather do a nail trimming on one of my Flemmies anyday than one of my Mini Rex or on a rescue.

Babymaker64, I am soooo jealous, I want one of those Continentals incredibly bad! Everywhere I go with one of my Flemish, people are all amazed, saying that is the biggest rabbit they have ever seen. I would love to see the looks on peoples face if I walked into my vet's office with one of those babies! Of course, I just think that huge bunnies are wonderful, just because.
That's interesting, they certainly seem more laid back than the smaller breeds. I am considering getting one, I would love a bunny big and friendly enough to cuddle. :D
I think their ears look really funny, they're just so huge!
An exception to the rule of 'gentle giants' are the Checkered Giants. While they aren't aggressive- they are not laid back and can be a struggle to handle easily. Since they are a running breed they have the 'go, go, go' temperament and don't like to snuggle or stay in one place too long. Despite this, they are true Giants and can reach 16+ pounds and reach almost three feet tall when standing on their hind legs.

I have two at my house right now, and have raised two large litters for a friend this year. I love them and their outgoing personalities. Plus, they are just so striking, being a marked breed as well.
Thanks clarzoo, that's interesting. I love the look of Checkerd Giants, I like the markings. I don't think I'd easily find one in the UK though!
Jenson wrote:
Thanks clarzoo, that's interesting. I love the look of Checkerd Giants, I like the markings. I don't think I'd easily find one in the UK though!

The US Checkereds are known as Giant Papillons in the UK.

(Papillon is French for "Butterfly").

Gentle Giants, Is the buck you have with the heart problem named Ben? If it is,I was wondering if you still had him and how he was doing. If it is not Ben, then what did happen to him? I remember when he got sick. I think his name was Ben anyway. Oh, how is your parakeet doing? Thanks Beckie P.S. I think thatI would love to have a Continental Giant also!! At least untilI got nipped by one anyway!!
2bunmom wrote:
Gentle Giants, Is the buck you have with the heart problem named Ben? If it is, I was wondering if you still had him and how he was doing. If it is not Ben, then what did happen to him? I remember when he got sick.

Yup, that was Ben! He is still here, just hanging out. He demands his nose rubs at feed time, won't let me close the door until he's had his snuggle. I worry about him in the summer, though, I can tell it's harder on him than on the others. He is one of the main reasons I really want to get them all into a tmep controlled buidling asap.
I have 7 flemish giants and 4 giant chinchillas. They are great breeds, so friendly. These are the only giant breeds available in New Zealand. I would reciommend them.

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