Getting bunny back into his cage!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
, Alberta, Canada
Its me again and I have another question.....

I was wondering about getting my bun back into his cage. He loves to be out and is doing a lot of binkies!!!!!! But, he is still a bit shy and trying to get him back into his cage is a challenge. I don't want to scare him by chasing him or cornering him but that is sometimes what I have to do. Could then wreck any trust that he is gaining from me?

Also he lets me pet him and he stretches out and grinds his teeth when rub his head in the cage but he doesn't let me touch him when he is out running around. How do I make him trust me outside the cage?



When he's out instead of going to him, try and get him to come to you and let him explore you in his own time. Sit or lie on the floor and act like part of the furniture. Don't look at him (okay you can peek but don't let him see). Put his favourite food around you or toys. You might want a magazine to read as it will take a bit of patience but rabbits are very curious and he'll come and investigate you.

Continue ignoring him and let him sniff you all over and climb on you if you want. As he gets braver you can hold you hand out and stoke him or offer him treats. If he backs off ignore him again.

He'll soon start associating you with nice things and work out your not a treat.

As for getting him back in the cage, try timing it so dinner time is straight after exercise time. Once he's learnt the routine he'll go back in his cage as soon as he see's the food arrive ;)

I am having the same issue with my new guy. He always runs away when we try to get him and put him in his cage. So what we started to do is try and get him use to us picking him up was put him on the couch so he couldn't run all around, and then we would periodocally pick him up and show him that we are not going to hurt him and not ALWAYS going to put him in his cage. He has gotten a lot better, still some running away but not as much. Always another way to get him used to you petting him while he is out is lay flat on the ground and have a treat in your hand and he'll come to you and then pet him. This is also working for us, but you also have to realize that they just want to run around and have fun, especially if he is younger they just have a lot of energy to burn. So don't feel hurt if he doesn't want to cuddle up, give him as much time as he needs and work with him everyday. Patience is the biggest key to getting a rabbit comfortable with you!! Good luck!!
Well, Pebbles was the domeneering one in our relationship, so I used different methods that might not apply to you. She was the largest and top of the peeking order in her litter, so naturally she does the same behavoir with me.

For me, I showed who's boss by following her, notchasing and as non-threatening as possible and clapping my hands softly behind her. I got as low to the ground as possible but still standing up, and guided her to her cage. If she tried to turn around, I would clap infront of her and block herpath and keep gentle talking and walking. Now,I just have to clap a few times and walk towards her and she goes into her cage.

You could also try putting some treat in the cage before you try the clappingmethod to help your bun get the message.

Pebbles is very domineering, so she needs to be taught who's boss. Your rabbit might be different. This method has worked for me.
My rabbit has learned the sound of the treat bag being moved about. He has associated it with his two favorite treats, which both come in loud plastic style bags (one of them is craisins). Now, all I have to do is go to his cage and crinkle/shake the bag a littel and he hops right in! :D

Of course, he also comes running when I am getting a treat for myself out of any other type of plasic resealable bag (yogurt raisins, chips, etc). :shock:
Can Baxter voluntarily walk into his cage or do you have to physically pick him up and put him in? If he can walk in, you might try leading him into the cage with a treat and saying "cage". Eventually you should be able to remove the treat entirely and just say "cage". It has *sort of* worked for Devon and Amber.
No, My cage is elevated on legs so i have to lift him in. This is the cage that i have:

What do you recommend that I do now? First of all, did I buy a bad cage???

Thanks so much!


Are the yogurt drops, raisins, craisins etc. ok for rabbits? I have read on the internet that they were too high in sugar.
The cage looks fine. You can still offer a treat before you pick him up, that way he associates being picked up with good things.

I wouldn't reccomend yogurt drops because they are incredibly sugary, but raisins and craisins are fine in moderation (a few pieces per day). A little hint, rip them in half so they get more treats without getting more sugar. It's a good way to extend the mileage;).
thanks everyone. I bought some craisins today and he loves them!!! I was eating a banana this morning and I offered him some and he took a bite! It was so cute! I am trying to figure out how to post pictures of my boy (who is still nameless!!) so all of you can see him!!!

My advice is to go really easy on the rasins and craisins (and make sure the latter are the unsweetened ones).

I prefer using tiny bits of fruit like apple as a treat. Rabbits aren't designed for a lot of sugar or high carbs, Pipp has hadstasis problems once from too many treats (she was mad at me for abandoning her to go on vacation so I overcompensated:shock:) and once fromODing on oats (she broke into the oat drawer). Very scary!!



I shake the treat container when I want them to go in the cage, and sometimes they get a treat and sometimes they dont. I've been giving them less and less treats slowly and they still come running when I shake it.:D
My sister has the same cage and she bought some pet stairs like this:


so that Cinnabunny can walk up and into the cage. I know I've seen them at some local drugstores, so I'm sure they're available in many places as well as online. :)
Elf Mommy wrote:
My sister has the same cage and she bought some pet stairs like this:


so that Cinnabunny can walk up and into the cage. I know I've seen them at some local drugstores, so I'm sure they're available in many places as well as online. :)

I just saw those pet stairs at Bed,Bath and Beyond for $30. They were selling similar stairs for $79 at a pet store by my house! :shock:

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