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Active Member
Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
, Kentucky, USA
There any gamers out there?

I myself am a gamer to the max. Console games and PC games.

What are your faves? And any good ones coming out?
I'm not much of a gamer, I love sims games! I have the majority of them on ps2 and I have sims 1 and 2 for the computer, with sims 2 expansions. I really want the sims 3 but it won't run on my computer :(
World Of Warcraft, Oblivion, Sims, Browser games, Farmville, Star Ocean, Kingdom Hearts, Baldur's Gate and a lot more.

I reeeeeeally want to play Dragon Age: Origins, but I think my computer might explode.
Gamer here too! Have most consoles, play games like: Sims, Afrika, Ratchet and Clank, proffesor layton, harvest moon, animal crossing, age of empires, fable 2, kingdom of hearts and much much more. Am currently wating to enrol on a game animator course soon! :)
I'm a gamer! I play mostly Xbox FPS. Favorite games are the call of duty series. Right now I"m addicted to Modern warfare 2! If anyone else plays let me know and you can add me.

I just bought Bioshock 2. Its pretty sweet! Super creepy feel to it :)

Can't wait for Battlefield: BadCompany 2 to come out next month! I"ve been playing the demo all week and it looks fantastic. Also excited about Halo Reach which comes out in the fall.

I also love the LEGO games and own them all. They are just too cute and its nice to play something easy and fun once and a while.

I started playing Starcraft on the PC again in anticipation of Starcraft 2 which hopefully will be released soon. I like the Real time strategy games on the PC but my computer isn't good enough to play any of the new ones. Thats why i'm waiting for starcraft 2 to come out before buying a new computer, lol.
Halo 1 2 3 and four is coming out soon

FF 13 comes out on March 9 already have it pre ordered.

I loves the sim 1 and 2 wont buy three tell they get all the kincks out
I am a 360 junkie...:biggrin2:
I am waiting/hoping to see if there is another Elder Scrolls game...
I played Oblivion for 9 months straight...12+ hours a day...then my Xbox died and I gave up.:(

I miss Oblivion! :tears2:
I am considering Bioshock2...or Warcraft...

This is awesome to have some fellow gamers.

I have 360, PS3, and Wii. Plus the retro consoles like a N64 and whatnot.

I play World of Warcraft like a mad woman, but I quit all the time so I don't get too addicted.

I recently got Dragon Age and it is awesome if you are into those types of games (and I am) The story is great, the graphics are cool. I give it a 10 in my book.

I'm not much into FPS because I'm not coordinated enough to move and shoot. I've tried playing Fallout, Orange Box. But I just don't think its for me. My husband loves them and I like the stories so much that I actually enjoy just watching him play.

I'm stoked for Final Fantasy 13 to come out. I've been watching the trailers and I basically will spend many months of my life playing it when it comes out.

My favorite genre of game is RPG hands down, but I like a good Actiony game too.

Favorite games I would have to say are Warcraft, Sims 3, any Pokemon game (because I'm a 12 year old in my heart of hearts), Kingdom Hearts, Fable 2, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon. I'm also a big fan of fighting games like Street Fighter 4, Guilty Gear, and Soul Calibur.

I could take about games forever!
kirsterz09 wrote:
Gamer here too! Have most consoles, play games like: Sims, Afrika, Ratchet and Clank, proffesor layton, harvest moon, animal crossing, age of empires, fable 2, kingdom of hearts and much much more. Am currently wating to enrol on a game animator course soon! :)

That is pretty much awesome. Congrats on the courses! My husband would be so great at that, but Alas I live in KY they don't do things like that around here haha.

Harvest Moon is a classic game for me I love it. The one for PSP Boy and Girl is pretty good. The ones I've played for DS usually suck if you ever want to get one, I wouldn't. haha.

irishbunny wrote:
I'm not much of a gamer, I love sims games! I have the majority of them on ps2 and I have sims 1 and 2 for the computer, with sims 2 expansions. I really want the sims 3 but it won't run on my computer :(

I had to buy a new laptop for Sims 3. It needs a good graphics card and the laptop I had didn't even have a graphics card. I got my laptop for a good price at best buy and got it on a card for no intrest for like 18 months or something. So I was pretty pleased with the results. It was like 600 dollars. Sims 3 is a whole new experience when it comes to Sims games. I highly recommend it
haleyxoxo wrote:
This is awesome to have some fellow gamers.
any Pokemon game (because I'm a 12 year old in my heart of hearts)

:biggrin2: I play the Pokemon games for gameboy all the time on my gameboy emulator.
I used to be really heavy into gaming, but now I just sit with my PS3 and play causally.
I used to be really heavy into any first person, and I am still addicted to fallout although I have done everything there is to do.

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