Flemish Giant Fever

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2012
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I have Flemish Giant fever. I am telling you all so that you remind me of why this is a bad idea and that I should not go out and buy a Flemmie :disgust: OK Go!
It's a never ending battle. I KNOW I will not have 3 buns but I still always *want* another and I look and visit the rescues all the time. Ok...that probably isn't helping.....lol....

How about?...you have a baby who once is walking and hits the terrible twos will require much more of your time and energy and you might not have time for another bun.
THEY'RE VICIOUS BEASTS! That's why you don't want one. I mean, look at this, she's trying to EAT ME ALIVE omg omg omg


Not to mention how much they EAT. They slaughter leafy greens mercilessly, devouring everything set before them and then absolutely menacing their slave until they are presented with more. I'm lucky I have any ankles left!
I refuse to talk you out of it because thanks to you, I now want a Himalayan...so there!:disgust:LOL


Wendy! You have a rabbitry and your rabbitry needs to be diverse :D! I have no such thing!!! PEOPLE SOMEONE SAAAAVE ME!!!

Angesthelion...I think you may have me there. Baby is walking soon and THAT will take some attention :kiss: THANKS!
I enjoy having a big bunny. His personality is wonderful. He thumps every once in a while but usually his curiosity overcomes him. Although he doesn't enjoy being picked up he doesn't seem to mind anything else you can think of to do to or with a bunny. The one reason we got a flemmie is the large size. We were concerned with our big dog hurting a smaller bun too easily. Redd (dog) would never hurt another animal on purpose as he see anything that is living as a playmate but he is so big, strong and excitable.
They eat way more in vegetables and of course what goes in must come out. My cost of rabbit keeping went up exponentially with Kai and twice as high when the frenchie came on board (another large rabbit) Plus handeling is a real pain in the boo hiney. Kai is very stubborn and going to the vet and being handled and looked over is almost impossible. He's large enough to make it difficult plus if he kicks you it feels like a broken rib. Plus he's a biter when he gets mad at you. Or if you pick him up. Way bigger mouth equals way bigger bruise!
I hadn't considered Flemish sized bites! I always hear of them being so friendly and such great pets, it hadn't occurred to me that some are not and may bite!
Kai is a sweetheart of a rabbit and very much a big baby. He just doesn't like to be picked up. And has no problems telling you all about it! He has never bitten me in any other circumstance. The vet is VERY leery of him though and jumps every time he bumps her. He's always nose bonking for something. We get a god laugh out of it.
Kai is a German Giant not a Flemish. They tend to have a more stubborn personality anyways. But he's still a VERY large rabbit.

If you can afford another rabbit and have a place large enough to keep a large rabbit why get talked out of it? Larger rabbits have a harder time getting placed in shelters. I love my big boys. It's my 3.5 pounder that scares me the most! She's bonded to Kai (or rather Kai is bonded to her) so even the small rabbit/big rabbit isn't a concern.
Money is not a problem. I can afford many bunnies. I don't necessarily WANT as many as I can afford LOL

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