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Active Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Joliet, IL, ,
My two dogs definately have fleas at this point, so I treated them with Frontline to help with it. My lionhead rabbit does not appear to have any and I intend to keep it that way by any [safe] means. What can I do?
I would avoid using any product unless your rabbit actually gets fleas. Revolution and Advantage are safe for rabbits, Frontline is not. You should talk with your vet about which one to use and how much.

I would clean your house and only use rabbit safe products, especially in areas where the rabbit is kept. I would also keep the dogs away from the rabbit for a while.
Yeah, definitely keep the bun in a room that the dogs cannot enter, preferably that doesn't have carpeting.

If they're not in close contact and don't share bedding or carpetting, it's unlikely for the fleas to jump. Do a fur comb-through every couple of days to make sure he's still in the clear. If not, Revolution is a good option. My sister just treated all her rabbits with Revolution for fur mites and there were no adverse effects.
Korr_and_Sophie wrote:
I would avoid using any product unless your rabbit actually gets fleas. Revolution and Advantage are safe for rabbits, Frontline is not. You should talk with your vet about which one to use and how much.

I would clean your house and only use rabbit safe products, especially in areas where the rabbit is kept. I would also keep the dogs away from the rabbit for a while.

Are we sure Advantage is safe for rabbits? I thought only Revolution was rabbit safe.

Keep the dogs away from the rabbits, definitely; your rabbit savvy vet may dose the bun with Revolution just as a precaution.
Advantage is ok. I would use a dose of Revolution just as a preventative. If you give him a dose of Revolution (or Advantage), it will prevent the fleas from going on to him for a month.

You can put a flea collar in the vacuum for when you vacuum, and some people will use flea dust/powder or diatomaceuous earth to treat the carpet and other fabrics that might get fleas.
Thanks for the replies, everyone! I picked up some Revolution from the vet today and was unable to find anymore live ones on the dogs. Once I am able to bathe them, I will be using a flea bomb on the house as an extra precaution. I just have to wait until I am able to get everyone out for an afternoon while that takes place.
The best thing is vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. I have also used salt sprinkled on the carpet, let it sit for a couple of days and vacuum. The salt dries the fleasout.
Flea bombs are a bit dangerous, even for people to be around after. If you can get it highly ventilated after, then that's your choice, but I think something else like salt or diatomaceuous earth would be safer.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
The best thing is vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. I have also used salt sprinkled on the carpet, let it sit for a couple of days and vacuum. The salt dries the fleasout.
Now, I've never heard that one! That's good to know!:D

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