flaky skin???

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Culver City, California, USA
Hey people:]

ok so i was just outside in my patio brushing my rabbit's fur for the first time in a long time...and after a few strokes with the brush, i noticed that the brush had little flakes along with fur in it. i removed the fur on the brush and started brushing again. after another few strokes, there were even more bits of white flakes. it looks a lot like bits of paper, and i thought it might be skin..hopefully not bugs of some sort. i was wondering if that's normal? should bunnies be shedding skin along with fur? when i brushed himbefore, this never occurred. this was the first time. is this normal?? please reply! thanks!
i dont think that is normal .. when i brush butsy i dont see anything, even tho her fur is white ... maybe get that checked, could be dry skin or something !
It sounds like a case of fur mites. Separate the fur and see what the skin looks like underneath. Is it really flaky down at the base of the fur? You'll normally find this around the base of the neck/shoulder area.

I use the apple flavored Ivermectin horse paste de-wormer to treat this. I give the bun a small, pea size amount once every 7-10 days until the flakes are gone. Usually it's a 2 or 3 time treatment.

Some buns will lick it right of your fingers, some I need to smoosh it on their treat to get them to eat it.
thanks:] i'll see if i can get that anywhere..yes its mostly on his back. there are a lot of flakes there but the skin looks normal...like its not inflamed or red or anything.
You can also use Revolution for puppies and kitten (safer to dose than ivermectin) .
Selamenctin ( generic name) is the same thing as Revolution and is dosed 6 mg per kg . A kg =2.2 lbs


it sounds like he has fur mites
best to take him in for a check up ; you can get a vial of Revolution for puppies and kittens from your vet.

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