First Litter Question

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
Earl Grey, Saskatchewan, Canada

My mini rex is due to have her first litter of kits in two weeks. I palpated her yesterday and I believe I felt a baby. Anyways, I have read a lot and have read on some websites that a rabbits first litter usually dies. But some websites say no.

Just wondering, from your experience, if this is true or not?

Thanks in advance for any info!!
My first litter is 28 days old and they all survived! dont worry what the web sites say i scared myself with all sorts of stories. If you dont interfere too much and your bunny trusts you and feels safe, it will be fine.
Thank you so much!! I try not to bother her too much right now, basically just go to her for feeding and watering, and to give her her treats. I do pet her while I am out there, but try my best to make her comfortable. I have many people wanting a baby bunny.

She seems very happy to me. She is eating normally and drinking normally. The only thing she doesnt like right now is to be handled too much. whenever I go to her, she seems to go straight to the back of the cage right away.

I am very excited and anxious for the kits to arrive! This was a planned pregnancy, as my buck I love both of their coloring. They both have very good temperment as well.. They have never bitten anyone. My buck Speckles enjoys being held and never runs away from anyone. If this pregnancy goes really well, and the kits all find new homes realy fast, I am thinking of breeding her again. I also read that they can have between 4 and 12 kits at a time. Awesome! We have lots of room for them to run.

Thanks again for the info!! Glad to hear that your kits are doing well! I am sure I will have more questions later on.

you can always post any breeding related question in the Rabbitry and Showroom Thread. Some breeders might not come to check this one but no that is not true. I actually had a bunny have 7 babies in her first litter (the biggest number I had experienced with that breed) and all of them survived.
Although sometimes the breed of your rabbit can determine some difficulties that may arise Such as with dwarf rabbits and peanuts.

Litter sizes really depend on how big your rabbit is. I know usually 2-3lb rabbits have an average of 2-4 kits. 4-6lb maybe around 2-6 kits? It just varies with how big the mom is and how many she can safely carry.
My little girl had three healthy fat babies that all lived!! :)

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