feild trip

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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my brown baby will be comeing into school with me tomorrow .. i need him for child development, so i can teach the little ones on bunnies. lol i'm so excited, but because carrieing them around with you is agenst rules i hope you won't tell on me because i'm not risking the ignorant high school kids around him. <3 he's staying with me lol

can't believe they will be ten days tomarrow.

i'm takeing the brown baby because he's clamer than the white one.. and i'm takeing the babies because my adults will bite the little kids...to be quite honest i planned months ago for this and i thought i would have them at two months rather than ten days .. thats why i can't back out of it..becides they won't be handleing him or touching him.. just observeing.
For all day at school?

I wouldn't. I took a litter once their eyes /opened/ to a 4H meeting, so the cavy people could meet them, but I took them -in their nestbox- inside of the 6 hole carrier, and brought their mother incase they'd end up missing a feeding.

I'd really recommend waiting another month before you bring anyone on a day long school trip. And even then, doing something against the rules is really... Not good. I've done that with my mice/rats back in high school. If you get caught, they'll send you home. And the risk of the stress of being away from its sibling, and not being in the warm nest, could quite possibly kill it. Before you take it, ask yourself if you're really willing to put it in danger by not waiting another month.
I definitely would not bring a ten-day old kit to school for all day. That is WAY too stressful! Not to mention Mama rabbit will probably flip out knowing that her kids are gone. ;) And it doesn't matter that the kids won't be touching/handling. That's a lot of new noises for a baby so young to take account of. It's just unessecary stress that I wouldn't ever risk putting a ten-day old through.

And how are you going to carry him around all day?

So you're not even supposed to bring animals to school - yet you are? I definitely think you should rethink the situation at hand.

Must you bring them in to teach the little ones? Why not bring in an older rabbit, pictures of the babies, or even a stuffed animal? You could make sure that the older rabbits won't bite, by holding their face against you, and letting the children pet their backs.

I will only bring my babies to a public place (4-H meeting) once they have there eyes open, and are about 3 or 4 weeks old. (Actually thinking about bringing my two juniors to school with me very soon, but they are 10 weeks!)

i used to take my bunnies to school with me alot, i know its not the same age wise but, he likes the carrier, and ill have him with me all day... i don't intend on leaveing him out to get cold

the bag i have is insalated and i keep a warm pack under cloth the whole time. warmpth isn't an issue.

they aren't in the nest btw.. read my post about the mom buarrying them... mom still feeds them but i let her out of the cage afterwords and then she feels happy i'm sure... the babys flip when i put them in her fur though...

oh well they get fed just the same
kmtangelkrystal wrote:
i used to take my bunnies to school with me alot, i know its not the same age wise but, he likes the carrier, and ill have him with me all day... i don't intend on leaveing him out to get cold

the bag i have is insalated and i keep a warm pack under cloth the whole time. warmpth isn't an issue.

they aren't in the nest btw.. read my post about the mom buarrying them... mom still feeds them but i let her out of the cage afterwords and then she feels happy i'm sure... the babys flip when i put them in her fur though...

oh well they get fed just the same

You are still causing him to go through to much stress and noise.

So are you keeping him in your backpack or in a carrier? I still advise against it. Especially since you're not allowed to bring animals - I'm sure someone will tell on you if they find out. And what will your teachers think of you bringing a baby rabbit into their classes?

Please just reconsider. It's not in the best interest of the baby. You will just be causing him uneccessary stress by bringing him into that noisy enviroment.

its a cloth purse basically.. its soft.. i put a warm pack in the bottom of it and then put my flannel pj's ontop of that. lol

oh right the noise... sorry i'm not trying to be a smartie pants emily.

i've been takeing them places with me sence they were 3 days old. if loud noises stress babies out i don't think these guys mind it much.. between kids, dogs, chickens, lawn mores...

they just sleep.. lol
Their mother was acting decently normal, from what I heard, and they really should not have been taken away.

To be honest, it sounds like you should not have gotten a pregnant rabbit, or bred her if that's what you did. It was all very irresponsible... Just like you're acting now, with taking a kit somewhere were it does not belong. You should have left a nest box. You should have left the babies with their mother. You do NOT hand feed them unless their mother is /dead/ or otherwise incapable of feeding them herself. Rabbits are not stupid, and will do what they believe is right.

Now I'm going to leave, because I'm so utterly irritated at the stupidity of some people, who quite obviously are not thinking of the animal's best interest.
i couldn't put a nest box in!! i don't have a hutch!! i did but now i don't, if you must know, my mother refused all of my accessories for my bunnies when i left her home after she freaken hit me again... ok so sorry..

i took them away mainly because it was bedding she was pileing on top and not a soft material, i have nest box it would not fit!! i tried what i could! i didn't want to remove dead kits again.... i love my bunnies.. and the babies are fine.. i'm not hand feeding them their mom dose that.. and i've given her leaveway to leave them when she is done feeding them.. she dosen't knotice they are gone..

she sniffs me . then the kits. then when i put them in she hovers feed them and comes up for me to take her out of the pin again... i would say she's not stressed at all..and the babies love the cuddles.. in fact the white one has his eyes almost all the way open today.. i got home and had them in bed with me. both pirked their ears, cuddled and started purring instantly.. they like the contact...

i'm not irresponcable.. its like a mom with their first born baby... you take them to the docter over everything.. same difference.. and i'm not going to sit here and say i regret these little angels because I DON'T, AND NEVER WILL!

i'm sure ill have a hold on this the next time she has kits... i'm sorry if i upset you all with my decisions with them...but they are my rabbits, my pets, and their best intrest is always on mind...
ps i've taken them with me to several noisey places sense day five ... its quieter at school
kmtangelkrystal wrote:
ps i've taken them with me to several noisey places sense day five ... its quieter at school

What places did you take them and why did you? They really should just stay in their safe, quiet enviroment until they are older.

I understand that you want them to get used to noises, but ten days old is WAY to young. It's way to stressfull.

i took them to my moms (three kids two dogs) cody's moms(two kids)and my friends (five dogs six kids and three cats)
I strongly agree. It's way too stressful on the kits. They are far too young and delicate at this age to be toted around.

It's better if they be left alone with their mother untill they are at least 3-4 weeks, if not older. The young should be left completely alone untill this age and/or when they start hoping out of the nest box. Only check on them everyonce in a while to make sure they are being fed and to remove any dead ones. Otherwise, you should leave them completely alone.

I very much urge you to rethink what you're doing.

I know you are very happy and concerned about your babies, but being too overly cautious and protective can blind you from what's actually best for them.

If you want the best for them, theproper and safestthing you could possibly do is leave them with their mother. You say you love them, then show it, by responsibly taking care of them.

Think about if you were in their position-being very tiny and completely helpless and taken away from the warmth and safety of your nest, littermates, and mother and brought into an unknown environment filled with noises and all kinds of other comotions. It's extremely stressful for an already delicate being.

Please remember, we are saying this to help you.
kmtangelkrystal wrote:
i couldn't put a nest box in!! i don't have a hutch!! i did but now i don't, if you must know, my mother refused all of my accessories for my bunnies when i left her home after she freaken hit me again... ok so sorry..

i took them away mainly because it was bedding she was pileing on top and not a soft material, i have nest box it would not fit!! i tried what i could! i didn't want to remove dead kits again.... i love my bunnies.. and the babies are fine.. i'm not hand feeding them their mom dose that.. and i've given her leaveway to leave them when she is done feeding them.. she dosen't knotice they are gone..

she sniffs me . then the kits. then when i put them in she hovers feed them and comes up for me to take her out of the pin again... i would say she's not stressed at all..and the babies love the cuddles.. in fact the white one has his eyes almost all the way open today.. i got home and had them in bed with me. both pirked their ears, cuddled and started purring instantly.. they like the contact...

i'm not irresponcable.. its like a mom with their first born baby... you take them to the docter over everything.. same difference.. and i'm not going to sit here and say i regret these little angels because I DON'T, AND NEVER WILL!

i'm sure ill have a hold on this the next time she has kits... i'm sorry if i upset you all with my decisions with them...but they are my rabbits, my pets, and their best intrest is always on mind...
you should NOT have gotten rabbits without the proper supplies. That's INSANE. I know you're probably 14 or 15 by the whole high school deal, and your typing, but guess what. I'm 16. And I can get my crud together, thanks. It's really easy to go buy a cage. They're $40 from petsmart. You can make your own for $20.

If she was using an incorrect nesting material, you could have fixed that. She only should have had access to hay and her own fur. (I know most people do, but especially when the rabbits are inside, the wood chips aren't insanely necessary...)

If you want to start a rabbitry, dead kits are a common thing. ESPECIALLY FOR DWARFS. That is my breed, and I've had... 6 dead kits in three litters. One I had to stay up all night to watch seizure and slowly stop breathing.

My 10 day olds barely ever came out of the nest box, even for my own personal time with them. They came out for five minutes to be looked over, remarked in their ears, and put back in their nestbox. Only when they're outside of their box all on their own do I bring them out of the cage to walk around my room for a bit.

And no. Rabbits babies are not like human babies. You do NOT, for the most part, deal with anything. Until they're old enough to be able to /survive/ without their mom (if she died), there's NOTHING you can do for them. Everything really depends on the mother until their eyes are open and they can leave the box.

You're not making the right decisions. And yes, they are your animals, and you do own them, but that does not make it -right- to be exposing your pets that you "love" to things they shouldn't be exposed to yet! Learn some sense, please. You're making youth breeders sound stupid. >.>;;;;;
I can't beleive they were taken out of the nest at all, not even 2 weeks old. I wouldn't take them anywhere until 6+ weeks.

I am sorry, but it is very irresponsible. I hope they don't go through much stress because you want to show off the babies!

Can't you take photos and show them? I don't understand how bringing a too young kit is rabbit education!

I really hope you listen to everyones advice! And stop breeding her! If your mother won't buy you the neccesary things for her, how can you afford all these babies?

And no, its not like a mom with a first born baby..human babies are a lot different and a whole lot less fragile than a bunny kit.

Unforutnatly I doubt anything will change. :(
oh i know...its not that i distrust your advice .... i'm keeping them in the house on a different reason now... its mainly my fault.. we have pine chips no cedar.. thats my bad in my last posts.. missy tends to scatter her water and food.. i clean it all the time and within two days its filthy from her getting her food wet for the most part and tat can cause mold.. i've been letting her out because its easyer to mop and sweep waste than to have mold and she keeps getting in to potty..

when she was feeding them alright and not trying to mound the babies resting place, i was going to put them in as soon as i cleaned the cage.. you know celanlyness lol. but as i said .. two days and there was a smell erodeing off the bedding again.. it molds to easily..

i've thought about getting cloth but that would mildue. they can't roam the floor the lanolium is too cold. and she won't go in the nest box i was given as a bunny gift.. plus its big and it needs to be sanded down.. the babies would get hurt really easily.

bringing missy in isn't an option because cody's dad would punt her out again and that would be bad for me and her because me knowing that and letting her get kicked by someone are two strikes on my part and three for her because it could kill her.

i've done my best to keep them warm. electric blanket set on low, flannel nigty pants from me so they are in a soft place like the nest.

oh and i forgot to tell you that my two males are outside in a fence.. lol they play with our dogs well so i decided not the keep them caged up.. they love it. and as i said before, my hutch is with my unforgiveing mother and in all fairness she baught the stuff to build it so .. its hers.. not mine.

given the cinario do you still think its best for them to be out there instead of inside? like i said, i'm not trying to be a smart ass i'm just trying to get you guys to understand whats happening.

i love the babies, and i don't regret them, i just wish we could have gotten moved before she had them...*sigh*

oh and as for the school thing,the reason why i'd like to take them is because my classes are ones where i am alone all the time. quiet, peacefull, limited noise. and even when the kids are at the school its allot more quiet.

the white one opened its eyes today too.. so ill be takeing both instead of one... its unfair to the brown one to take away its sibling.. its why he stays so quiet most the time... i am thinking on keeping both because they don't do well apart... they do better now.. but still...

i love this site.. i love the advice but i don't have alot of money and what i do have we need to get the car fixed with so we can move where we can work... then the bunnies will live in luxurey... i can't wait for that.. i love them so much it makes me sad to have them in a place like this. the boys like the outside.. but where we are moveing .. i can put up a fence and let them roam bigger area's.
we have been given food and that will last us untill we move.. i live in a little town with just an orclens six miles away and with no car i have not leaveway to buy stuff and it makes me feel awful...

i understand.. i do.. i'm doing what is best by makeing the liveing conditions better for them.. they are healthy and happy they pur all the time, they never go hungrey they are never cold and they get time with mom... not alot changes..

i am 18 not 15 or 16 ... i ask alot of questions because i've not had babies before just adults, and my last lionhead, kane, was my favorite out of my rabbits.. i loved them all but when you buy adults they dont' take to you the same as they do when they are babies... kane was about three weeks, a runt, and quite sick, i baught him, i cared for him the best i could, and he grew up, and he had an awsome personality, and when he died i felt horrible because the ground was hard from snow and the only way i could move him...was to throw him away...
Not taking them to school doesn't require money. It requires just a concious of responsiblity!

I am too all knowing of finacial hardships...I am living on my own and lost my job hours temporarily. However, I am a firm believer if you don't have the money to buy what they need, you don't need the animal.

I don't understand also why you bred her if you don't have money or space for another litter of rabbits, and why you want to add another 2 to your 6 when you can't afford to take care of your one doe properly.

I am not trying to be mean; I am tyring to look for the rabbits best interest.
I believe you should've considered your financial standings before even considering getting a new rabbit, especialy a pregnant one.

Despite, not having enough money, that is no excuse to not give your rabbits the proper care that they are needing. You can always improvise, such as use a simple box as a nest box and use some kind of grass hay as nesting material instead of clothe which can get saturated with urine and harbor bacteria.

I strongly urge that you take everyone's advice on this. We tell you these things because we care about the well being of the rabbits. There are reasons why certain behaviors and responsibilities must be taken. Breeders have experience with this. Please be mature and responsible about the care of your rabbits, for their sakes.
to clear things up... her getting pregnant was an accedent.. she had gotten out of her cage.. and the boy was out and about... we suspected but she didn't nest.. it wasn't untill a day beofre she had them we realized she was pregnant. i'm sorry... i won't take them to school with me... ok? your right.. quiet to my hearing isnt' the same as theirs... just please understand that when i have them inside they are well taken care of and warm.. they get time with mom too.. 8 to 9 every night.. but tonight sence they are moveing around the box ill give it till 9:30.

i got missy and grey bunneh, from a home that was abusive and at the time i did have money, we got food donated, and i was going to get the hutch a few days ago for her and the kits to stay in but my mom refused to let me take it.. i plan on asking my cousin if they will let us buy or take the hutch they have off their hands... i'm sorry i seem so neglectfull..i'm not, i'm just overly protective with the babies... series of events, my cat got ran over when she was about to have kits... then we found out about missy and i was going to go beg for the hutch but she had them the next morning... i had no way to know if she had bred or not i just came home from school and she was out... i'm sorry i upset everyone..

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