family wanting baby bunny

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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hartford, , USA
So i posted the pictures of the babies on fb (which by the way have been getting lots and lots of attention :p) any ways ... my cousin has expressed interest in getting bean.. my little baby. Now.. They already have a bunny.. That lives in the basement (which i know is not a bad thing but when you dont love bunnies like we all do they easily get forgotten down there)... doesnt get any attention (that im aware of) and lives in a small dog cage. Now its a 5 pound lionhead and when i saw her about 2 years ago she was so scared. I could barely hold her! and they dont brush her because i held her for 2 seconds and i was COVERED in her hair..
They also have 2 small dogs ( WHO ARE SOOOOOOO SKINNY! I made a comment to her last time i saw her and she was like oh he is suppose to look like that... ummmm i dont think a dog is suppose to be skin and bones but whatever), a cat, and three .. i cant believe im saying this about my own family BUT three obnixous kids. They dont listen and they are so loud and extremely rough with there animals now. I want bean to go to a great home and i know that my cousins family isnt that family.
I know you obviously dont know my family but with the little information that i gave you what should i do?!?!
My boyfriend says just tell them they all have homes but i just feel awful because they are family and what are they going to say if they come over and see them?! because as of right now beans and toby are staying with me
If I could disinherit most of my family I would! From what you said it's not a brain teaser. NO! You want your babies to go to loving forever homes and it's certainly not what you described. When we release our charges for someone to adopt, they wouldn't make it thru the screening process, nor would I even hold them up for consideration--too many negatives and no positives. Ours are family members, and ones that we like, so I just can't see it. Lie to them or tell them the truth if you think they can handle it. I'd recommend subterfuge, "they all have homes".
Well i texted her and told her that i have decided to keep bean and toby. Which i have so im not lying to her.. I pretty much told her that i dont feel right getting rid of all trudys first litter seeing in how its probably going to be the only litter i have ever have of any animals so i would like to watch them grow up myself.. So i wont be lying to my own family and when they come over and see them it wont be "You said they had homes and they are here blah blah" I feel better doing it that way too.. She actually just msg me back and pretty much said she was going to plop them two together... I freaked out on her.. I was like well sarah (there bunny) is much older and bigger then them and even though she is fixed if they arent introduced right they could seriously hurt each other
Good for you for being upfront with your family.

Wishing you all the luck with Bean and Toby! It will be fun watching these sweeties grow up and being part of their life from the very beginning.

I have learned the hard way that even though they are family, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. You might want to give them some education about how rabbits should live. There are many ways and ideas, but the one clear imperative is that they get love- indoor, outdoor, old or young. It sounds like their poor bun is not getting her fair share of love and care. Hopefully you can share your experiences with these buns to show them the way.

Some people will say to stay out of it, but when an animal is suffering, and I believe she is, then I tend to not be able to stay quiet. Perhaps they don't understand rabbits and what they really need to be happy.

I'm so glad you decided to keep the babies, it will be great watching them grow up. I'm looking forward to pictures! :)
Yeah. She hasnt responded since i pretty much called her an idiot for wanting to put them together right away. Oh well. Im excited to watch these guys grow up. Thats unless i can find a REALLY good home for them. But its funny how different they are :p Its going to be a hoot! :)
Way to stand your ground! I'm so glad you didn't send Bean to her. Bean seems like she needs extra TLC anyway because of her timid personality and I don't think your cousin would be a good home for any bun, much less Bean. Is it going to be hard for you to rehome Dorito? It would kill me to keep 2 of my 3 babies and not the last one :( Please note this is why I will never get into breeding, I can guarantee I'll want to keep all the babies and would be psycho about screening potential families for them :D "I will need a background check, 3 letters of recommendation, and will you please fill out this 5 page questionnaire and then submit to an interview? And show me where the bunny will be living? Thanks!"
hahaha nope dorito has a home!! and i know that he is going to a great home. She is going to a little 13 year old. Her parents spend $80 on a petstore bunny >.< back in january. It was a mini lop. I guess she was madly in love with her. She was constantly with the bunny and i guess one night she noticed she wasnt doing well and her parents told her that first thing in the morning they were going to take her to the vet, well i guess she didnt last the night :'(.. but the family didnt want to spend another 80 a bunny if its ust going to get sick a few days later. I told them that i would give them a bunny because i know it will be a great home for her. They told me to pick any bunny so i picked her.. She is calm lets you do almost anything to her and is so curious! The little girl doesnt know yet! Its going to be a surprise!! Im so happy! I told the family that if for any reason they cant keep her anymore that i will def take her back no questions asked, but im not forseeing any issues :)
I eventually want to find homes for Bean and Toby but im in no rush to do so :p My sisters friend expressed interest in her butt she leaves for college, works full time, and is a teenager that would probably spend NO time with her so i told my sister to tell her no its ok. I feel bad but i want these buns to go to great homes they deserve it! and if i have to keep them then fine i dont have an issue with that :p
Any chance you'd be able to keep Bean and Toby long term? You're going to get so attached :( I also think it's easier to find homes for baby buns. Glad to hear Dorito is headed to a good home! She looks just like one of my girls (so does Toby) so I think she's extra cute. This is what she might look like when she's older:


This was Phoebs as a wee babe, you can see how similar they look!

I am glad you said no to your cousin. Being family dopesn't always mean they are right. Myself, I would probably be placing a call to the humane society to have the other pets investigated, sounds like neglect to me. But I have also dealt with some pretty bad family.
Aw! Dorito might look like that!! If so she is gunna def be a cutie!! I might end up keeping both long term :p Depends on the housing situation. I dont think i will have to worry though :p The game plan was to get Trudy and fribble fixed then this winter start the bonding process. Bean and Toby are already bonded they just need to be fixed :)
Today im writing up a little "informational" thingy about her and how to take care of her and what not. Like what to feed her etc. I know that when selling something your suppost to get money not spend it but just so i know 100% she will be ok, im going to be sending her with a brand new bag of food for her that will last awhile and some alfalfa hay. I dont mind spending the extra $20 just so i know she will be in great hands!

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