Eye goo

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Oct 18, 2019
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We've got a four month old Flemish and since we got him two months ago, he's had
a little bit of discharge or something at the lower corner of his eyes. We thought at first that
it was just the usual sandman eye crusties that we all get and that our other bunnies
had gotten. No big deal, we would groom them and help them get some of
those off. These are different though. They're goo that matts the hair down and makes it
hard so that petting him over the head is uncomfortable for both the bunny and us when
our hands hit those hard, sticky spots. We have taken him to two vets who say his eyes look fine.
But this issue persists. I'm wondering if this is something common to Flemish Giants or if
anyone has a clue what might be going on. Sorry for the giant paragraph, but I wanted you
to know the details.

Can you take a picture of the eye and show us how it look. It can be easier to see.

Did you vet check his teet (molars) and what kind of material do you use in the cage?

Dust can make the eyes discharge more and also teeth problems, damaged eyes, clogged tear channels and so on ☺️

Even hay can make the eyes become irritated if your bunny is sensitive to dust.
Hi, I'll see if I can get a photo next time we bring him in for maintenance. It is not that visibly noticeable on
most days, but we certainly feel it. It is worse on the left side where I can see that he seems to scratch it with his
hind foot sometimes. Both vets said his teeth look good, as they know that is a cause of eye issues. He lives in a 8 x 10 playpen with a linoleum-like floor
that has really good grip; not the usual slippery vinyl. It's made for RV floors for and wet traffic. I have litter
only in litter box and it is carefresh. The hay is the amazon brand in a box. His pellets are not dusty.
If he has some rock hard discharge it might develop onto something worse, like tufts of fur falling out or redness. Musti had a similar situation-first normal eye boogies, then they became runnier and stuck to the fur, hardened and nothing could get them loose. Snipping that fur shorter didn't help either and it began falling out. By the time we got to the vet with his destroyed joint the vet also pointed his eye issue out to us, believing it to be bacterial infection.
Don't know if it's helpful or not though.