Everyday greens

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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2011
Reaction score
Under the Southern Cross, , Australia

I'm wondering what everyone feeds their rabbit on a daily basis veg wise.. not so much the treats like fruit. I am trying to grow most of my own veg so I don't have to rush to the supermarket if I run out :shock: I have already started with Corriander, Bazil, Italian Parsley and Bok Choy. I'm not sure if these are "treat" foods or a normal everyday food.
What do you feed every day veg wise?
You have a pretty good mix of everyday veggies going :). We usually by a bix container of the herb and romaine spring mix. It has pretty much everything she needs premixed. Also she gets cilantro (very healthy) bok choy beet tops parsley and collard greens (her favorite). You can use a little carrot as a treat but keep in mind the sugar content. Hope that helps :)
I_heart_Fraggles wrote:
You have a pretty good mix of everyday veggies going :). We usually by a bix container of the herb and romaine spring mix. It has pretty much everything she needs premixed. Also she gets cilantro (very healthy) bok choy beet tops parsley and collard greens (her favorite). You can use a little carrot as a treat but keep in mind the sugar content. Hope that helps :)

Thanks for that Katie :)I wasn't entirely sure if they were treat foods or if they were normal everyday foods. I havaen't started feeding fluffy the herbs yet as he is a bit to young only 9 weeks but he has had apple, pear, banana from his previous owner. So far I have only given him a very thin slice of apple to get him on my lap one leaf on corrianda and bazil. He went nuts for the bazil, it was quite funny really.
Thanks for the comment I appreciate it :)
Yes be very careful introducing greens to a young bunny. Try one thing at a time and only a very small amount at first. House rabbit society actually recommends only hay and pellets until 12 weeks. Also go very light on the fruit. But it sounds like your off to a great start.
Q started eating greens at that age, and it didn't bother her at all. Corriander (cilantro) is a favorite and is super easy to grow, as is green leaf lettuce (although I've never grown that one). Those, she gets every single day. She loves basil as well, but my basil plants didn't survive, so that's a treat for her, as I only get one leaf every few days. In addition to that, she usually gets a little bit of bok choy, kale, and swiss chard, or any combination of those, depending on what her boyfriend at the food store will give me for free. Oh, and carrot tops. When she can get them, she LOVES the green parts of carrots.

See if someone at your local grocery store will give you parts of the greens that they were going to toss. You know all those loose leaves that fall off of the green stuff? They just throw those away. Some people who work at grocery stores will pack you a bag of them every time they see you.
I feed Rocky bok choy and hate having to go to the supermarket, is it hard to grow? Im not very good in the garden :p
This is the first time I have ever tried to grow it. I don't personally like bok choy :)but I started with a punnet of seedings and also got a packet of seeds as well the seedlings are going great just in a pot so far I will plant them out at a later date and the seeds I have planted are about an inch big at the moment. It says it grows all year round in Australia which is great as every 6 weeks or so I can just start another batch and the seeds were cheap $2-$3 for 175 seeds so its alot cheaper than buying it

We just had a brand new grocery store open up three blocks away so I am going to try and get the produce that they would toss. I would love have an herb box or something along those lines but we live in the west side of our condo building. So we get no sun sadly. We don't even have house plants which is sad cause I love plants. Someday when we move back to the country we are going to plant a "night garden" with flowers that only open at night :)
Thats great news about the supermarket opening up just down the road :) not so good about not getting enough light to have your own plants though :(
Ohhh the "night garden" sounds very interesting!!!

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