English Lops as pets

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2014
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I'm on my quest for a giant bunny and I'm looking at available breeds. I found a breeder who breeds Flemish Giants and English Lops. They have a couple of adult Giants available (not altered) and a litter of English Lops born a few days ago. The prices are almost the same for both breeds.

I've read that English Lops have nice personalities as pets. Other than that I don't know much about them. I'd like to know:

- how big they are compared to Flemish or New Zealand
- the ears - I know they drag on the ground. Are they prone to injury or infection? Do they get in the rabbit's way? Do they require special care?
- personality - what are they like as house pets or house rabbits?
- any other experiences with them that you'd like to share
I don't raise Elops but I've seen them plenty of times in shows we attend. They're a bit bigger than NZs/Californians. They're closer to the size of a French Lop, fully grown...and my daughter had one of those. Yes, the ears get quite long and drag. You do need to take care they don't get injured and they can be prone to ear infections....they're pretty though!