Well-Known Member
Love your bunnies' blog!!!!! Enjoyed reading about all your buns & the pix are just beyond adorable! Keep on blogging! :goodjob:hearts:
:dunno What, me?
I just kept hoping you all wouldn't care if I invaded your blogs with my pictures.
Hey, I welcomed any and all bunny pics in my blog, lol - it serves my naughty little bunns right to have the spotlight taken away from them now and then! I like to rub it right in their precious little faces.
Nah, they're not so cute nowMost animals are cuter as babies. I think they are designed that way so that we still love them despite all the work that babies require.
Since Pip was pregnant when I got her and I decided to keep almost all of the babies, having the same breed was unavoidable. Telling them apart is just like with any animal that looks similar to others, you just get to know each individual one and also any slight differences they may have. Though I have to say that as Libby has gotten older, she is getting a little bit more difficult to tell the differences with between her and her mom, though the personality always clues me in. Libby is a bit more willful than her momma
I have a room just for my rabbits, where I keep them all. Dakota and Flopsy are bonded, I'm in the process of bonding another pair(Toby and Riley), would like to bond more of them when I find the right match for them and when I am able to get the rest of them fixed. The bonded pair shares an area, the other buns have their own pens, and they all get playtime.
I figure I use two 40 lb bags of wood pellet litter a month and about a bale of hay for eating, and some in the litter boxes, per month.
I agree Larry, it is like a fulltime job! 11 is hard sometimes, I can only imagine what 18 would be like.
Gosh they are cute!
I am very interested in seeing the outcome of the bonding attempt. Too bad we couldn't just explain these situations to the buns and the benefits they would get from a change.
BTW I do like the name of your blog and yes remember the show.
A picture guide!
Oh, maybe I just want more pictures lol