Ebony is a house rabbit...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland, ,
Yeah, so Saturday we had really torrential rain. I'm talking unbelievable, never seen anything like it. :shock: But the whole garden was I'd say 4 foot underwater. We are down to about half of that now. Ebony's house if of course in the garden, and well, it was totally ruined. :( So she's in an NIC pen in my room.:D Unfortunately, I'm not allowed her in full time, my parents want me to get her a hutch instead of a shed/playhouse this time. So I am on the look out for a good big one.

The worst thing is, this means I can't get my new baby bunny for a while. :( I am either getting a REW helicopter lop girl, or a black lop boy, they are ready to leave mum now. :(
Aww Michaela, I saw the title of the post and thought YAY! For you lol, as I know you've been wanting it for so long... but I guess it's not in such happy circumstances as you wanted... :(

How is Ebony liking being inside?

And wasn't Saturday your birthday? I'm sorry it was such a wash out! I hope your garden dries out soon! :shock:

I hope you can get your new baby bun soon.... :hug:
hi there,from the south of ireland. this has been the worst summer ever. garden is under water too tttt8888tttttttttt sorry that was the rabbit on the keyboard. typing with one hand 0215 (get off Lint) at the moment. I can't face bringing him out, but Coco eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (sorry) is in the indoor cage. She got spayed today.