Dwarf Rabbit

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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At the pet shop the other day I saw a rabbit that caught my eye. He is a big black rabbit named Jake. He is neutered (spl?)and comes with a cage for 50 bucks. My mom said we'll see and wished how it was smaller. She said she didnt want huge puddles of pee on the floor when I let it out. First will it leave big puddles of pee (Its huge, way bigger than its sibling). Since its neuterd it wont spray, right?

I was wondering if a dwarf rabbit would be better. Is it faster and hard to hold or catch? Will it not trust you, ever?Does it bite more or be more aggresive?

One reason I like Jake is because he has had a health check, and he comes with supplies and a cage, CHEAP. He doesnt run away either.The house he has is way too small.
Is the only thing you're concerned about the puddles of pee? Because my dwarf rabbits have occasional accidents on the carpet and even though they don't leave a big puddle, it still stains the carpet badly. There are other precautions you can take, such as laying down newspapers or small area rugs to protect the floors in your rabbit's play area.

Dwarf rabbits are really fast, and can be hard to catch. Depending on the individual bunny's personality (not their breed), some like being petted and others don't. I have two Netherland Dwarfs, one hates to be touched and the other loves when I pet him. Most rabbits don't like to be picked up because they are prey animals. Some tolerate being picked up better than others, but I think that is also based on individual personality rather than breed.

As for your questions about trusting, biting, and aggressiveness: from my experience with Netherland Dwarfs, they are very gentle and not aggressive at all. But they can be nervous and it can take a long time to gain their trust. They also have a lot of energy...mine run around like little kids who've had too much sugar.

If the bunny is neutered you shouldn't have any problems with spraying. It's very, very rare that they will spray after being neutered.

Hope this info helps to answer your questions! :)
I'm not concernd about the pee its my mom. Infact I want Jake so bad I think I'm going to throw up. I've been Hyper ventilating for the whole day. My B- days coming up on the 9th and I already got a laptop but I told herI really want the rabbit. So will Jake probably make big puddles of pee, is it commen for rabbits to do that? He probably weighs as much as a small bishon-shitzu. Also we have a dog, a bishon-shitzu and my mom really doesnt want him peeing were the rabbit pees to mark the sent.
Rabbits are pretty easy to litterbox train, especially after they've been neutered. They will use their litterbox very consistently when in their own cage. The only times that my bunnies pee on the carpet is when they are out playing, but that could just be because I don't have an outside litterbox for them to use. I'm sure that if you had litterboxes for them outside of their cage they can be trained to use those instead of peeing on your floor. Mine don't soil the carpet too much...maybe once a week or less.

I'm not sure about the whole marking territory between a rabbit and a dog because I don't have any dogs. I know that if you have two male rabbits they will mark territory but that's usually in the form of pooping (and that's really easy to clean up because it's hard and dry like little pebbles).
RabbitWolf wrote:
At the pet shop the other day I saw a rabbit that caught my eye. He is a big black rabbit named Jake. He is neutered (spl?)and comes with a cage for 50 bucks. My mom said we'll see and wished how it was smaller. She said she didnt want huge puddles of pee on the floor when I let it out. First will it leave big puddles of pee (Its huge, way bigger than its sibling). Since its neuterd it wont spray, right?

I was wondering if a dwarf rabbit would be better. Is it faster and hard to hold or catch? Will it not trust you, ever?Does it bite more or be more aggresive?

One reason I like Jake is because he has had a health check, and he comes with supplies and a cage, CHEAP. He doesnt run away either.The house he has is way too small.
  1. Because Jake's been neutered he probably won't spray. But that doesn't mean he won't pee! You'll have to litter train them (which isn't hard). Once their litter trained they won't pee all over the floor (although they have accidents sometimes). They will poop all over as it's how they mark their territory. But the poops are hard and round and are not hard to clean up at all!
  2. Dwarf bunnies (I'm guessing he's a Nethie) are know forbeing kind of hyper, and out going. But like Little Bay Poosaid it really depends on the bunny's personality. Although it's a pretty safe bet thathe'll be a very fast, silly little bunny! None of my buns let me hold them, but that's because they weren't handled enough when they were babies.My buns will run and hide if you try to pick them up, but I know LOTS of buns that will let you pick them up. But even if you bunny doesn't like being picked up that doesn't mean he would love you. Teacup has never let me pick her up, but we're really close! We cuddle and I can pet her and she seems to really trust me! If you work with a bunny it will start to trust you. It will take time though. Don't expect your bunny to trust you within a month after you get him. Kali's just starting to trust me and I've had her for a year! About biting: A bunny will bite when ethier:
    • It thinks your hand is a treat (Teacup did this on her first month home) :p
    • It's an aggresive bunny
    • You've invaded it's space (like stuck you finger in it's mouth, or stick your finger under it's chin.) Although a bunny really only bites for this reason if it doesn't trust you
I hope I was some help! I also REALLY hope you get Jake! Rabbit's are AWESOME!!

Make sure to tell us how it goes and if you get Jake!!:goodluck

-TK :):):)

:pinkbouce:It seems hopeful. I just hada bath to stop my ironic hyper ventilating and shakieness. I am doing things nice for my mom and always says how I cant wait for my b-day, cause then I'll get a rabbit. If she doesnt get me one, well my heart will crumble and I probably will vomit.

Btw. He isnt a dwarf I was just asking about dwarfs, sorry if I didnt make it clear.
I know you have your heart set on Jake, but have you checked out nearby rescues and shelters for adoptable buns? There are so many bunnies that need a wonderful home.
Your mom shouldn't have to worry about puddles of pee anymore than with a kitten or a puppy first learning their potty routine. Rabbits are really easy to litter train, especially once fixed. Nelson boxed trained himself and will run to it from where ever he is to use it.He has never had an accident. My foster girls, on the other hand, didn't know a litter box from the louvre. It took them about a week or so to get it. They sometimes will still have accidents if they're stressed, but hardly ever.

Good luck!

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