Drinking Less Water?

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Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
So I basically just got Hamm and he was on a crappy pellet, dusty timothy hay, and (I think) no fruit and very little veggies. I switched him to Oxbow pellets, orchard grass, two Tbsp fruit and 2 cups veggies a day. He went from drinking two waterbottles a day to about half the waterbottle a day.

I don't know if this is normal for a bun. My cats drinking habits changed when I switched to raw so is it the same thing? Should I be worried?
I know the veggies will offer some water so may be he just needs less water now that he is getting a better diet? Does he seem to be urinating the same amount?
I think he's urinating the same amount. I haven't noticed an increase. He does seem to pee a lot but maybe I'm just used to cats.

I figured he was getting some water from veggies but I didn't want to risk it...
Most rabbits really don't drink that much water - 1/2 a watter bottle per day sounds more normal than 2 watter bottles per day in my experience. The high water content of the veggies, especially if you're feeding things like lettuce, will mean he needs to drink less than he was before.
I figured he was drinking too much before. I was feeding him romaine lettuce a lot. Glad to know it's not anything dire *phew*

It's so stressful getting a new animal. Everything evens out once you learn their habits but until then *yikes*

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