Dried Roses

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Jennifer, do you have natural grocers in your part of texas? They have them in dallas and Austin...that's where I get my roses.
Marshi wrote:
Imbrium wrote:
I'm not sure it even gets "too cold" here, lol. I am sure I'd probably kill the thing again, though. it's hard enough trying to keep my tiny bunny garden alive... and I FAILED at dandelions. if I can't grow a weed, a rose bush doesn't stand a chance! :p
how do you kill a dandelion? :?
I think I over-watered (by forgetting them out in the rain) within a few days after planting - they never germinated. that, or I planted them too deep, I think they were about 1/2 an inch under the top of the soil (I just pushed down with my finger to create a little hole and then filled it in).
I thought of this thread this morning when Monty stole some of my green tea (brewed). I figured she was just going to sniff it while I was sitting on the floor holding the mug, and she dove right in before I could pull it away. :O She seems to feel fine though...little sneak!
Sophie is very prone to diving into glasses. We now use the coered cups with straws because she would drink anything we had, including when my husband had soda! I will share my herbal tea with her though. Not that I taught her to cup surf on accident... :whistling
Would any kind of flower/fruit tea be ok? I've currently got some blood orange tea and a berry tea, would either be alright?

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