Doris's Dating and Diet Blog!

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Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
My name is Doris and I've never done a blog before so excuse me if it's a bit all over the place.

My mummy has decided my single days are over and it's about time I settled down with a nice bunny boyfriend - trouble is that Mummy says I need to loose a bit of weight before I meet a new man, the cheek of it!!!!

So we thought we'd start a little blog as mummy says it's trendy and tell you about me and my life and how I came to be here. In the mean time heres afew pics of me.....

bye for now, Doris :bunnybutt:


Me chillin Me and my mummy!

Hi Doris, I'm so happy and excited that you started a blog, I've been checking every day to see if you started it yet. You are a very pretty bunny, I love looking at all you pictures.

I bet you are excited to be getting a boyfriend. I have 2 sets of bonded bunnies and I just love watching them together when they kiss each other or just cuddle beside each other.

Look forward to lots of stories and pictures.

Susan and the Gang:)
Hello! This is me being weighed by my Mummy in her kitchen scales, perfect fit if you ask me...

It's been a really cold weekend here so I've been wrapped up with even more hay. I get this really nice hay to eat now but not so much food but I don't mind so much. I met Mummy's new boyfriend on Sunday and he wanted to hold me which was really sweet, especially as I left half my coat behind! So Mummy has a nice chap, just me to go now.....

lots of love

Doris xx
Doris - you are so beautiful - I bet you have to be careful that you don't break the camera...

You need to get your mum to take more pictures of you...and post them here.


well my poor mummy has been very poorly so I've not been able to blog for a week! She's had a kidney infection and gastroentiritis (bunny's can't spell very well!) . She found it really hard to take care of me as she could hardly get out of bed but I had lots of yummy hay to tuck into, pleased to see my mummy more again now though.

I've had a lovely day outside in the sun but decided to go in my hutch and go to sleep instead, mum can't understand it! Then I come out when it get's dark but it's time for my bed by then.

This is a photo ofme in my tube today!

Love from Doris xx:bunnybutt:
Hello lovely Doris.

I'm sorry your mummy has been ill, I hope she is better now. Sounds like you were lucky to have lots of hay.

My bunnies are like you too. They like to sleep during the day and get active at dusk and dawn. They are not happy to go away either. You're lucky to be out in this lovely weather though. I hope you enjoyed it. :D

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