Don't know what to do, considering taking bunny back to shelter

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
Hi Guys,

Been a long time posting. I have an issue at my house I'm not sure how to fix.

I have a beautiful dwarf lop 4year old male Cuddles. I felt guilty about him being on his own (silly I know hindsight is terrible) and we did bunny dates and found him a friend.

She was very timid however everything seemed to go well. Both are desexed. However recently he has been in for surgery becuase he had a severe malocclusion issue and had to have his front teeth removed. She has gone feral to me. Growling, biting, lunging the works.

Their relationship seems ok but I've tried everything to make friends again with her and she won't have it. I am starting to get scared of her, but she seems uninterested in bonding with me again.

Their relationship also seems strained at the moment and I'm almost at my wits end. I don't want to take her back to the shelter, but by the same token I am frightened she may hurt him as she is alot bigger than him... and me as well. Her behavior is very erratic and her sister was brought back to the shelter with aggression issues as well.

This has been going on for almost a month now, Cuddles seems unaffected by it he is his cheery loving self, rushes to meet us in the mornings and spends all the time he can following us around, and she is the stark opposite refusing to come out of her cage etc.

What do you think, will he be ok if I separate permanently?

Any help would be appreciated.


I'm not sure if I could ever seperate a bonded pair. It seems unkind. I dunno, I understand your in a hard situation but he is obviously bonded to her. I understand that your relationship with her is difficult and rather unrewarding, but just because she doesnt particularly like you doesnt mean that he doesnt like her.

If he didnt want to be around her he would make it known I think. I would make decisions based on how you feel and not try to assume you are doing it for him, because honestly i'm not sure if separating a bonded pair is wise.
Well the issue is I've found chunks of hair in their room that look like they have been ripped out so I'm not sure what to think really.

I'm started to become frightened she is going to take a chunk out of me :(

He's likely to pine then if she was gone?
Can you share a few more details.. what triggers the aggression is it you approaching her, approaching him, or does she approach you. Is it at a particular time eg cleaning or feeding.

You said their relationship seems strained - in what way? Again, what's going on at these moments.

Obviously his op has caused a bit of upset but if their were no issues before then time and a little bit of work may resolve it.

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