Does Raisin need a friend?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2006
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Cape Town, , South Africa
Last night Raisin seemed upset and was tearing every piece of paper she could find, running up and down in the house (more than usual), nipped me on the finger, didnt want to sit to be petted but comes to me for attention and then gets startled when I touch her (she does sit still after a while) and was just so out of character. Sunday she was so loveable and played and looked happy.

My boyfriend and I spend most of our time over the weekends with Raisin and I think that then on Monday whenwe go back to work she gets upset after being alone the whole day. It sort of happend last Monday aswell but not as intense as last night.

She's only 2 months old!

Does she need a friend or what can I do?
Rabbits are very sociable creatures, but can live alone quite happily. Getting another rabbit wouldn't be out of the question, but you'd have to take time to bond them. If she's alone throughout the day for most of the week, then it wouldn't be a bad idea for her to have a playmate, but do think it through.
theres always the possiblity that they will never get along and have to live seprate there whole lifes. that takes up twice the space, and twice the work, and twice the time. and sometimes bonding can last 6 months!!! and of course its also another spay/nueter bill.

bonding my two has been extremely stressful. even had a couple of vet trips involved from me turning me head for a half second and a bad bite would happen. also i have heard that territrial droppings my never go away having two buns.

if you know what you are possibly getting into, go for it, get raisen a freind
Thank guys, I think I will see if Raisin's behaviour improves in the week. Last week her behaviour improved by Tuesday and she was her old self on the Wednesday, but you know we allways are worried that they stop loving us or are not as happy as they can be, and this Monday she was more upset than last week.

I would like to get her a friend but as you say I have to think about it a bit more. Is it easier to get a friend when she's still young and will accept another young bunny? I took her to my friend who has Raisin's brother or sister (we are not sure yet) and they liked each other, is this quite common for them to like each other if they are out of the same nest?
If the rabbits are related or not makes no difference.

It is easier to initially bond 2 young rabbit (although not always). But it is more likely that the bond will not last. If your rabbit is a male, getting another male may not be a good choice because it's very hard to find 2 compatable males. They may get along well as babies but that can change in a second. And if you get a female for a male rabbit, you can't put them together at all until they are spayed/neutered and it's best to bond if both are fixed instead of just one.

I had my bunnies happily bonded at 3 months of age. They were neutered at4-5 months. 5 months after being fixed, they started fighting out of the blue. Luckily none of them were hurt but to this day I cannot put them together and they are 3.5 years old.

It's possible the baby is just hyper if it didn't get a chance to get out much. To be honest it doesn't sound like your rabbit is lonely, it sounds like it's having fun. Running around, tearing paper, etc. is all a game to rabbits.
I got my first one a friend, and ended up not working. I got him a friend, that happend to be a boy but didnt know it at the time... anyways, I got him cus a book said they were happier witha friend. But really, I think he was happier with just me. The friend just stressed him out.
Also, is your bunny spayed? If she is getting really destructive (and not just playing) I would consider having her altered.

A friend is always nice, especially if youre not home during the day, but it can really be a lot of work if its not love at first sight.

Good Luck!

Although she is a bit young, it sounds like she may just be entering the "terrible teenage years" of bunnies. This phase lasted from 10 weeks until 11 months with our mini lop, even AFTER he was neutered. It can be frusterating, and it's the reason why most bunnies are surrendered to shelters. However, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone in dealing with this stage of your bunny's life... most other bunny owners had to go through it, too. Just be patient... and she'll come out of it eventually. How much time out of the cage does she get daily? (Including during the week when you're not home much)?
I agree on that as well, this may be the rain before the storm though. If this is the 'teen years' it's pretty mild so far and could get worse.

My boys went through the teen years from 5 months to a year and a half! It was horrible, but it's over now and I love the little love bugs I have now.

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