does anyone know how to transport another country ?

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Feb 26, 2014
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hey all
does anyone know how to transport rabbit from usa or europe to my country egypt ? not as big import & export i just need to buy some pure type about 5 rabbits cross transport vet co,
i mean i was in Kuwait country and back to egypt i transport my cat by local transport office after take vet permission and pay service cost, she come after 3 days but this transport co work in those country only
hope u understand what i mean )))
I'm not real clear on the specifics, but if you can find an airline carrier that allows carry-on pets (Delta, Lufthansa?) and make arrangements with the country's Immigration dept to have a vet certify your animal's health, you should be good to go.
Getting rabbits out of a country is usually not the issue, it's getting them into another country. The rules vary from country to country and can depend on where the animals come from. I really have no idea what the laws are in Egypt, so can't be much help there.
I would suggest looking up the rules about bringing animals to Egypt and see if you can find anything about rabbits. The purpose of the rabbits can make a difference, pets may be treated differently than ones that might be used for meat, breeding, or even experimentation.
You also have to consider actually getting the rabbits to Egypt. Not all airlines allow rabbits, and most would have them in the cargo area. Many don't allow animals if the temperature is too hot or too cold and either destination or even along the way. Egypt tends to be hot, so that can factor in. If you aren't going to pick up the rabbits, you need to find someone willing to do international transportation and arrange things for it all. Also know that is can be expensive, if vet certificates are needed, it can easily be a few hundred dollars per rabbit and that can go up with the distance travelled.
thanks whiskylollipop i know some airlines allows carry pet after vet certify but that if

i travel with my pet or have there that friend who will buy the pet or the rabbit and send
i wanted to know if there transport or pickup services office that i can buy and send like

online shop and sending
Korr and Sophie thanks for help, you are right, sometimes its depend on where the animals

come from, and its my country rules say already )) because if another country epidemic

disease like A/H1N1, H5N or BSE mad cow as general case but unless just need normal vet

certify, but about cargo i just need about 3 to 5 :)) and the problem really that rabbits

need more care not like cats, i know vet certify maybe cost but i search about services

company that pickup or transport and make the vet certify and do all, they almost make

offers will all services that's them work always do it
when i wanted send my cat when i was out of my country i did it, but i think it will be

not easy to find it :D maybe easy if try to bring or invent new type here by hybridization


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