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Apr 28, 2008
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If you have 2 or more rabbits do you feel as though you have a bond with each rabbits, this includes people with like 30 rabbits or something. Like, you know there boundries and limits? You know what they like and dislike? I just want to know if you guys feel you have a bond with each one of your rabbits?
I only have two, but I feel like I have a bond that's special with each of them. I know with each of them what they like and what they hate and what makes them excited and what makes them scared and just everything like that.
Absolutely. As with any animal I've had the priviledge of sharing a home with, each and every one has their own personality...and each and every one has shared a bond with me in some way. Some have been much stronger than others, but there is not one animal I haven't missed terribly once they have left. What I find most fascinating about pets is that each one tends to communicate in their own way, and they are the ones who teach us more about 'silent communication' than anyone else ever could.

With my two, I know that Anna loves to have her nose scritched, while Yofi becomes antsy and fidgets, and gets frustrated if I scritch his nose for very long. He loves all food, while Anna is picky...apples, for instance, are a 'take-em-or-leave-em' item with her. When Anna wants attention she comes up behind me and pokes-pokes-pokes with her nose. Yofi, on the other took me a while to realize that his nudging/yanking of my hand was not an attempt to grab and eat my fingers, as it appeared...he simply wanted to say 'hi' by mouthing me. And Yofi gets extremely jealous. If I go up to Anna and start talking to her, telling her how beautiful she is, I'll guarantee you that Yofi will be there within seconds, pushing in front of her and shoving his face at me (*lookit me Mom...lookit ME!!! I'm so beeeoootiful!!!*).

Animals are just like people, only without the pretense... ;)
I have four babes, and know all like the back of my hand :). I'm around them so much, I am very familiar with all of them. Even with my bonded pair, I've still kept a strong (maybe even stronger) bond with Bru and Poppy.
I have two rabbits, i had Belle first and we defintely had a bond before her man came into the picture,lol. I still feel that they love me in different ways, and i understand them. Belle is an obsesive licker and will always lick you when you are holding her, Sooty is not much of a rabbit that wants to be held but he will come to me on occasions and just sit there, so for him that is a closeness that he allows me to have with him,lol.

But they both love me to death if i have Crasins,lol
Well, I don't know about a bond with each one, but once I have had them for a while I do get to know what they like and don't like. I have a couple that have been so traumatized I don't know if they will ever really bond with a human being.

I know Sophie has more issues with her cage aggression if she doesn't have things to take her anger out on. If I don't keep up giving her paper to shred, cardboard to chew, things like that, she takes her anger out on me instead.

Charity still thinks if I reach towards her quickly she is getting hit, and will react by hitting back. She likes wood toys to chew, especially if she can throw it around at the same time.

Arthur loves plastic toys, like those hollow kid's building blocks that he can make holes in, and he gets all excited when I give him his hay in the morning and starts binking all over his cage.

Duke is mainly intersted in food, if his tummy is full nothing else matters, LOL. Although he does like wood toys with that sisal rope hanging off the end, he loves to gnaw that stuff off.

I could go on, of course, but that would take up the rest of the page! :biggrin2:

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