Do you ever feel that you can't catch up?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
On all the posts that is? I've been gone for like a millisecond it seems and already I can't catch up with you people. :p

Oh well, it was worth it, to see an old friend from home again. Plus,she brought a bunch of Vermont products with her, including a case ofmy favorite beer. :D
I know right, I check the forum everydaythroughout the day and I still can't keep up with all the posts. Thisis one rockin forum! So happy to hear you had a good visit with yourfriend and were able to enjoy some "native" beer!

Fergi's mom
I only dare drink a bit at a time. Not that Idrink a lot anyway, but still. A cold beer is very good at certaintimes, and this really does taste like home to me. Funny how certainsmells and tastes can bring you right back.
Sorry, I talk alot in real life too! :p
Hahah. It's all you, Bo! ;)

I do too. I dread my next phone bill, as I talked to my mom for an hourand a half, then my dad and stepmom for another hour. Spent an hour onthe phone today with one of my girlfriends. I gab on the phone.....
Stephanie wrote:
On all the posts that is? I've been gone for like amillisecond it seems and already I can't catch up with you people. :p
You are right there. Since I have been on (only about 15 mins) thispost disappeared from page 1 to on third down page two. I am going tobe on for hours catching up :)

Elf Mommy wrote:
woo hoo! I caught up!!! all read (for the next 120 seconds or so ;) )


I haven't gotten past the first 3 in the past 45 minutes.


Admittedly, most times Ionly have time to MAYBE get through the first page-and then I still miss things


It goes far to fast, I used to spend hours at the internetcafe in Tainan getting caught up-and now just don't have thatluxury.....hehe..yet...............

I know how it is, over Christmas break when Ispent almost all day on here, I still never managed to get ALL caughtup. Now I have to force myself to read posts that I know are ofinterest or only ones with titlesthat catch my attention orI'll be on here far too long.
Okay ...I just got caught up. It only took 6 hours :shock:.

Keep in mind that I'm on everyday (almost) for about 7-8 hours.


JimD wrote:
Okay ...I just got caught up. It only took 6 hours :shock:.

Keep in mind that I'm on everyday (almost) for about 7-8 hours.


LOL! It's hard to do isn't it? I try butafter being off all day today..... it's not going to happen LOL
I know! I know! I'm glad to know that it's not just me.

That's why I miss posts sometimes. Most days I have to just"hop" in and out because I'm working or taking care of business ordoing SOMETHING important, so I have to be really selective whenchoosing a thread to open and scan quickly. If it's not aweighty topic I try to leave a light response; if itis a weighty topic I try to make a mental note to go backwhen I have time to write a substantive answer.

I really love this board, but it really keeps me "jumping"! :)
It really haspicked up lately. I don't even get close to catching all the posts anymore. And then when I miss something important I feel like a heel. Iguess we do the best we can do. I know for a fact that I spend entirelytoo much time on here and if I get a job any time soon these good oldays of spending hours at a time browsingwill soon be over.:(

Raspberry, same here! :shock: I spend waaaaaayyy too much time here!

I'm supposed to be working right now. In addition, they'retightening down on us in regards to our production requirements, so Ishouldn't even be looking at this site!

Man, oh man ... what do youdo?
We need to form aplan.....a group lottery pool! If we win big we can all be onlinewhenever we want with no regard whatsoever for any employers opinions!:p
Two thumbs up to that idea Raspberry!

WOW, I was without my comp for 5 days whilst the old girl was in theshop during Christmas-I tell you I had hours, hours of time in themorning that I just did not know what I did with before

then it dawned on me

oh, yeah

no comp

*grin* I have been up since 7:30, its going on 10am-oh sure my girls have eaten breaky but not their momma

so on that note


I've been gone for almost a you wantto talk about behind and! I will be at it for days maybeweeks just trying to catch up only to fall behind again when Aaron getshome next month.

But to cover all the ground...Welcome to those you've joined while Iwas gone! Congrats to those who've gotten new bunnies and for anyonewho may have lost a dear bunny friend, my heart goes out to you!

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