DISTURBING TOPIC: Rabbitry mod can't get Sun. afternoon nap without problems in rabbitry????

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Ok - so I know already I slept too long - I had to have slept too long to be having dreams about a bank robbery taking place where people were using rabbits (mostly flemish giants although I saw a couple of french lops and other large breeds in there) to dig the tunnel and carry the cash out.

It was a really bad dream...must've come from smelling what Art was cooking for supper (although it was good)....or must've come from being too concerned about the rabbits and having watched a bad movie sometime about bank robberies.

But I wake up from this dream - eat some supper - come out to the computer - to find out that ...during the short time I was gone - there are now PROBLEMS?

It appears as though someone got into a thread that was labeled "Disturbing Topic" - replied in ways that violate forum decorum.....and then our breeders responded to it?

I can understand the desire to speak out when someone comes into a thread (especially if you've made it or a friend makes it) - and defend yourself or someone else when a person who is going against the forum rules comes in and says things that we don't allow.

But when you do that - what happens is you set it up for either further arguments until a moderator can get involved - or possibly in your response - you say things that we now have to moderate - which gives that first person the chance to say, "yeah but....what about so and so who said such and such.." etc. etc. etc.

It kind of reminds me of the verse about casting your pearls before swine...why bother wasting your time and effort in a thread that is GONNA get locked (I can promise you that) - and that is going to have messages pulled - why make more work for the moderators, etc.?

It would be far better to contact a moderator (of your choice) and say, "Can you deal with this?"...and let them lock the thread until it can be dealt with.

I can hear it now..."But Peg...don't I have the right to voice my own opinion? Aren't you trying to muzzle me?"

I have nothing wrong with people voicing their opinions - but when someone comes into a thread and violates protocol - it generally leads others to go against protocol or forum decorum also.

So let's go over this briefly.....how should you respond (or not respond) when someone comes into a thread and creating problems...

Moderation Policies:

Our Moderators are goodwill ambassadors and hosts, not hall monitors. Theywill ensure peace by appropriate actions such as locking hostile threads and issuing good humored warnings. They are asked to avoid criticizing or nagging. They willrespond to members criticizing or nagging each other with a good humored reminder that whatever the point is has been made, "so lets move on." Peg's note: Unless they get very cranky from lack of their Sun. afternoon nap or from frequent bickering...in which case they wind up going back and editing their own posts...

Any post construed as mean or critical of another member willbe temporarily pulled from the board and returned to the member posting it with a request to reword the post before resubmitting it to the moderator for approval and reposting.

Peg's comment: While waiting for that action listed above to be done...STAY SILENT. Let us do our moderating of ONE person - instead of having to moderate 10 people!

We ask that all forum users treat young and/or mentally challenged authors with kid gloves.
Yeah - a bit extreme I know - but not all of our members are as knowledgeable as we might wish they were - nor are they always able to express themselves well.

All opinions arewelcome, but those that will obviously cause dissension should be cooled with the same response as above and locked threads when warranted.

This is where you make my life easier by being quiet and waiting for a moderator to step in.

Disagreements/clashes between members will becooled with orders to take the fight to Private Messaging. If the members continue sniping at each other, an order can be given that the members are not allowed to respond to each others posts. They should also be notified that if one party is abusive while the other party handles themselves with maturity, the abusive party is far more likely to be banned, no matter where they sit on the issue.

Unless thecontent of the post(s) fall under the immediate banning rule,any banning of members will be done by consensus -- the administrator and at least three of the five Moderators At Large must agree. In the absence of Moderators At Large, a Specialty Moderator will be asked to participate in the decision.

Unacceptable Behavior (Subject toWarnings):

- name calling

- ridiculing of another's opinion

- failure to 'agree to disagree'

- the posting of obviously inflammatorytopics (eg: rabbit meat, breeder vs.animal rights attacks)

- overly abrasive or negative posts on any topic

- personal vendettas

- 'advertising' or linking other forums or commercialventuresin posts (see Content Rulesfor advertising policies).

Thank you to everyone who reads this.

I promise you - it is not my intent to try and muzzle our members - unless their comments are directed in a hurtful way to someone else - or unless the topic is something that the admins/moderators consider to be inappropriate on a forum that is largely designed for pet members.

Feel free to pm me if you get upset at someone who is posting - I will try to handle it or get other mods involved.

But if you will dump on ME - instead of on the forum - it is going to make my "clean-up" job in the thread much easier.



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