Did I get Everything?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
, Washington, USA
I might be getting a bunny soon so I made this list of everthing I have to get to be ready for her. Did I get everything I need?

-Food and food dish

-Water bottle

-hutch with nestbox, litter box and litter

-hay nad hay rack

-brush and nail clippers

Did I miss anything???:bunnyheart

I would get some toys too. You don't necessarily need to buy them, but I would have some cardboard boxes, tp tubes, grass mats, and other similar things on hand.
You don't need a nest box if you are not breeding. A house to hide it is good though. I would get (or make) a wooden one as it is better if chewed.
A blanket is a good idea too. If you are housing the rabbit inside, you don't need litter in the whole cage, but many rabbits do like something soft to lay on.
A carrier is also a good idea. You can use it to bring the rabbit home and if you need to go to the vet. It is also good in emergencies and if you ever need to travel.
You need to get wood chew toys.. They need it to keep there teeth short.. You dont want the buns to have teeth problems,, Example PineCones, Wood Blocks, Apple/Pear blocks

And Toys.. You dont want your bun to get bored. Example Baby Toys, Dog, Bird toys,, ect
It is the hay that really keeps the buns teeth short, not the toys (I'm sure these contribute though).
You need to get some good quality hay. Perhaps alfalfa to start off with, if you are getting a young bunny, and then move to Timothy hay later on. He/she should get unlimited hay, and it should make up 75-80% of their diet.

'Food'- don't get one of those mixed bags with assortments etc. in there. Make sure you get a pellet- Oxbow, Excel or any other good brand- make sure it is a high fibre, low protein pellet.

When you get the hutch, try and get the biggest one possible. Many shops will sell hutches, advocating that they are the right size for buns, when they are way too small. Try and get one at least 5ft x 4ft, hopefully with a double tier.

Also, you need a run. A large, secure run so your bun can get some exercise time- she/he will need at least 3 hours exercise time a day, in a large run.

Yes, the 'nestbox is a house to hide in. I also forgot to mention I have some toys, though I should probably make some more. I am going to feed them Oxbow, along with a mix of timothy, meadow grass, orchard grass, etc. Thanks for reminding me of those things!!!:bunnydance:
You may want to have an Emergency/First Aid kit on hand for the Rabbit. There is an article on First Aid for Bunnies in the health library that lists items to have on hand.

Rabbits don't typically need first aid often, but it seems when they do show signs of being ill, it is always on the weekend, holidays, or late at night. With the help of the knowledge and advice you can receive in the Infirmary section, along with having the right items on hand, you may be able to help your bun through a critical time and get him back to health quickly.

Good luck with your new bun when you get him/her. They bring much joy! :happybunny:
Hi there,
A hard plastic carrier would be a good buy. Their not that expensive and go on sale lots at pet stores. Make sure it's long enough for a bun to lay in (best bet would to just get a medium, if you're planning for a regular sized bun -and not a Giant breed-
I have one like this for Babii,

Another good thing to have on hand is a water bowl. Some buns don't take to bottles, or the bottle causes much trouble, so having a bowl just in case would be a good idea.

A scoop is good to have, too. It's good to clean out the cage and do spot cleaning. Although, a scoop made for kitty-litter would be no good, since the slits in it are much bigger then a bunny poop (so it would be no use)
I have one like this;

Also, having the number and address to an emergency -BUNNY FRIENDLY- vet on hand would be a good idea.

Depending if you have a yard or not, either an outside 'play pen' or harness and leash would be a good idea.
I have this leash/harness for Babii and I love it;

Of course toys, would be ideal (pretty much necessary). Although if you're on a budget, simple toilette paper/paper towel rolls would be good.

This would be around the time of getting your bun, but some vegetables. You can check out the safe/unsafe list here;

A little first aid kit wouldn't hurt, either. Heres a list of things to consider adding to the kit ;

Hmm, this is it for now, I suppose.
Good luck! :thumbup
Some things are more important then others
(Like toys, to a harness) and should be purchased/made first, if you're going to do intervals since it is a lot of stuff.

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