devil rabbit

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Jan 9, 2009
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hello bunny lovers!

i have two rabbits, Stu who is 6 months and Judas who is 5 months. Both have been neutured and treat with the same love and care, they live in a large dogpen in my home while i'm at work and have the run of my flat when i'm home; Stu is cuddly, friendly, floppy and always happy for a stroke or cuddle. Judas on the other hand acts likea rottweiler. i've never heard a rabbit make so much noise. He growls,attacks viciously and for no reason,has destroyed my handbag, purse, bedsheets. he's perfectly healthy, when i took him to the vet, the vet was scared of him! u wouldn't think such an adorable looking, tiny ball of fluff could cause so much fear!

i got both buns as babies so he wasn;t mistreat beforehand. could it be a jelousy thing because i had Stu first and we bonded?? he LOVES Stu to pieces and is as nice as pie to him, follows him everywhere, cuddling, cleaning but if as much as look at him he lunges, teeth snarling and won't stop attacking until i actually phsyically move him away...has anyone experienced this with their bunny?I just don;t understand him, i thought neutering would help but he continues to poo and wee on my bed, chew my door frames and anything he can get his paws on. their cage is full of boxes, play thingsand chew toys, they have a more luxurious home than me!

thanks for reading and any advice or suggestions anyone might have is much appreciated :)
yeah sounds like you need to bond with him more, you can do this by psending lots of time on the floor and allowing him to explore you plus giving him treats and stroking him while he's eating them, this will help him associate being petted as a good thing. it may just take hima while to come around to you. try not to make fast movement around him incase thats scaring him.
There could be a few reasons. It could be simple jealousy, but equally it could be a genetic thing, it could be that he doesn't feel well, he could be terrified (for whatever reason, even though you have had then from a young age they can still be naturally anxious, or have gone through something to make them like this) and this is how he shows it. It could also be that maybe he is picking up on your emotions in some way?

Was there any particular time this started? Or a particular trigger?

I have a vague memory of something being posted on here about buns getting vicious after neuters and that it was due to something specific related to the neuter. I doubt the search function will work well enough for me to locate it for you though, sorry.
Stu and Judas......... :roflmao:Great names!

Welcome to the forum! :)

He could be afraid or even territorial.

My guy Toby, was a little bugger for awhile! He would lunge out from under the bed and bite at ankles. He drew blood from me a few times! As he got older, he settled down and is a sweet little love-puddle.

Being that Judas is only five months old, I would just try to "deal with it" and keep up working with him on bonding. He's a naughty hormonal teenage bunny, and he wants to be the biggest, baddest bun on your side of the flat.

Work on bonding some more with him. I also would recommend wearing thicker clothing for awhile! ;)

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