Daily salad

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Oct 13, 2011
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Dallas, Texas, USA
I give my bunny a salad every day, and I feed it to her in the evenings. She weighs about 3 lbs, and gets about a cup and a half (packed) of vegetables every day, consisting mostly of leafy greens. She has access to timothy hay at all times, and she also gets a small amount of pellet rabbit food in the morning.

Whenever she gets her salad, she is SOOO excited to eat it that she eats it all at once. It takes her a little while to eat the whole thing, but she doesn't stop eating until it's all gone. Is it safe for her to eat her salad all at once like that? Would it be safer for her if I spread it into two or more salads? Is it possible for a rabbit to get sick from eating quickly or eating too much at once?
Our boys get a tablespoon worth of different veggies a day. Always in the evening because we found out if fed in the morning, they won't eat their pellets during the day.

The only issue I have had is my Dobby gets a bit gassy on certain veggies which we are watching. But all of our bunnies seem to know when they have had enough. Some won't even finish everything.

But Dobby will devour his. I mean gone in 60 seconds (btw, good movie). So we made sure the veggies he gets gas from are very limited because he does devour it so fast.

I would split the veggies in two feedings if you feel he's eating his veggies too fast. Bunnies are like that. If they truly like something, they will devour it in one sitting.

K :)
Q does that, but I tried an experiment to see, and if you give her too much, she'll stop eating when she's full. So she's just being all "I'm hungry! Gimme gimme!!"

I split Q-tip's veggies into twice a day...mainly because it's so cute to see her get that excited twice a day.

But yeah, eating it all at once is fine...that's what bunnies do. So as long as it's not creating runny poop...she'll stop eating if she's full.

Also, I don't know how old your bunny is, but I found that Q would eat fast like that when she was a baby, but I got her spayed and she grew up a little, and now she saves some salad for later.

Q wants to add something..."hi to another Dallas bunny!" I should explain that she's sometimes a Dallas bunny...mainly on breaks from school....
Thank you guys! Butternut hasn't had any runny poo or gas issues, so she seems to be doing okay! I may try doing two meals but she doesn't seem to be having any problems with one meal. She is just SOOOOO excited to get her veggies I just wanted to make sure that was safe! I have noticed that with some veggies she takes more time to eat (like her romaine or green-leaf lettuce). If you give her a piece of carrot or broccoli though, she goes nuts! Sometimes I like to take her salad and spread the pieces around the room or hide them a little bit so she has to hop around and fine all her veggies, I think she finds it to be fun foraging for them! I put some veggies in a paper lunch sac for her and she ripped it up!! :)

Oh, and Butternut says "Hi" back to Q-tip! Hehe

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