Daily Routines

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2010
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Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada
I get up get my kids together for school/daycare. Get myself somewhat together. Pour coffee (for me :pray:eek:r God help us all), get my 3 bowls together, get my bunnies and guinea pigs' salads served out, feed them, refill water, refill hay (remove old and add new), replace old pettets and get out the door.

Morning routine. :)
Get up, give buns their pellets, go to the gym for a run, come back, get salads together for buns, shower, then I open the buns' cages for them to run during the day. :) Kirby needs to finish his food before I open it up otherwise his girlfriend Penny will steal all his food. Then I get myself together to start my day.
:) coffee, breakfast, open bunnery door so that buns can go into their garden, hair and makeup, schoolrun, dog walk, housework for us, housework for bunnies:biggrin:
Wake up at 4:30 am but i will lay in bed until about 5:30 am..get up and greet bunnies...give them their salad..then i start to get ready for work..vacuum floor and do other bits and pieces..then at 7:00am call Jeremy to get up for school..do another round of making sure the bunnies are set for the day..like give more hay....son has still not got out of bed by 7:20am :rollseyesso bang on door to get up lol...he gets out of bed a few mins later and 7:30am i leave for work.

Finish work at 4:10pm..zoom home and let bunnies outside to play for a while.

Bring on the weekend!
I get home from work and they are out of their cage until my husband goes to bed (usually midnight) My bunnies are most active at 11:00 p.m. They have their second serving of salad at 5:00, the same time we all have dinner.

Cleaning is usually done after work as well... or sometimes after kids' bedtime when they are not trying to "help". They binky when their space is nice and clean from poop.
kirbyultra wrote:
Get up, give buns their pellets, go to the gym for a run, come back, get salads together for buns, shower, then I open the buns' cages for them to run during the day. :) Kirby needs to finish his food before I open it up otherwise his girlfriend Penny will steal all his food. Then I get myself together to start my day.
That is a good idea about not opening Kirby's cage, because that happens with Fluffy as well. Great Idea :)
7.00am Get up

7.30am Feed guinea pigs and make sure they have water

8.00am Get bus to school

4.30pm Arrive home

5.00pm Cuddle bunnies

9.00pm Give the bunnies their pellets and top up their hay, sometimes give them some fruit and vegetables as a treat.

9.30pm Give the guinea pigs their salad and more hay

11.00pm Bed :)
lionheadbunny21 wrote:
kirbyultra wrote:
Get up, give buns their pellets, go to the gym for a run, come back, get salads together for buns, shower, then I open the buns' cages for them to run during the day. :) Kirby needs to finish his food before I open it up otherwise his girlfriend Penny will steal all his food. Then I get myself together to start my day.
That is a good idea about not opening Kirby's cage, because that happens with Fluffy as well. Great Idea :)

I actually do it cuz Penny and Kirby are bonded but I separate them for feeding and nighttime because Kirby can't ever get a bite with Penny ravaging his dish. It was Janet 's(myheart) idea!

Separating a bonded pair isn't my ideal situation but Kirby hasn't learned to eat faster and Penny is really a food hogging monster. Plus she has special diet needs and I can't have her eating Kirby's leftover food and gettin herself ill!
Roll out of bed and stumble over hungry cats to get to the shower. Take a shower to the chorus of hungry cats sitting on the sink and edge of the shower.

Get out of shower and dry off making sure to wipe the cat fur off my ankles from hungry kitties trying to trip me up and make me feed them now.

Get dressed, fighting littlest hungry kitty for my socks.

Proceed to feed cats so they stop trying to kill me and knock me over.

Fill water dishes of Tortoises, Tegu, and Chukar, Fill Chinchilla water bottle.

Feed My oldest cat his medications.

Feed fish.

Fill rabbit and chinchilla dishes with pellets. Add hay as necessary.

Add hay to tortoises and toss in greens and veggies.

Open can of grasshoppers for Tegu.

Fill chukar's feed dish.

Rush out the door because I'm now running late and have to get to work.

Leave work and go to the gym for 2 hours. Treadmill, elliptical(machine of doom), and weights.

Come home, feed, water, check on critters. Feed My oldest cat his medications.

Make dinner and eat.

Take out bunny to play with or cuddle for an hour or two while watching a movie or catching up on tv.

Bedtime at 11pm.
LV426 wrote:
Roll out of bed and stumble over hungry cats to get to the shower. Take a shower to the chorus of hungry cats sitting on the sink and edge of the shower.

Get out of shower and dry off making sure to wipe the cat fur off my ankles from hungry kitties trying to trip me up and make me feed them now.

Get dressed, fighting littlest hungry kitty for my socks.

Proceed to feed cats so they stop trying to kill me and knock me over.

Fill water dishes of Tortoises, Tegu, and Chukar, Fill Chinchilla water bottle.

Feed My oldest cat his medications.

Feed fish.

Fill rabbit and chinchilla dishes with pellets. Add hay as necessary.

Add hay to tortoises and toss in greens and veggies.

Open can of grasshoppers for Tegu.

Fill chukar's feed dish.

Rush out the door because I'm now running late and have to get to work.

Leave work and go to the gym for 2 hours. Treadmill, elliptical(machine of doom), and weights.

Come home, feed, water, check on critters. Feed My oldest cat his medications.

Make dinner and eat.

Take out bunny to play with or cuddle for an hour or two while watching a movie or catching up on tv.

Bedtime at 11pm.
One heck of a day! :) Too cute about the hungry kitties. I want chinchillas. My husband said we have enough now. 2 bunnies and 2 guinea pigs and soon a bearded dragon :)
I've tried to seperate them for feeding but Fluffy will be so mad about them being sperated that she won't eat :( I know she's getting some. I'm just hoping it's enough. I'm trying to find a solution. I do seperate them for the night and I take them out during the day and close the cages just so I can moniter how much Fluffy is eating. I'm forever trying new things. They both ate today: Fluffy ate after Happy of course.
Morning: wake up with 5 kittens on my chest and stomach. Cuddle them for about 10 minutes, before I give them water and food. Get outside in the garden, collect some greens for Fluffy. Get her fresh hay and water. Then practice her training a bit. Find something tasty in the fridge for myself to eat. Go to school.

Afternoon: arrive at home again, get attacked by 5 kittens who wants to play with mommy. Take Fluffy out of the cage so she can get her daily exercise by running around the apartment. Get some snacks for Fluffy and me. Then go to the store to get something to cook for dinner.

Evening: make dinner. Feed kittens and Fluffy. Clean cage and litterbox if needed. Take a bath. Clean the rest of the apartment. Cuddle with kittens and rabbit. Search for greens in the garden again. Kick back and relax at the computer for the rest of the evening, before I finally go to bed with the rest of my "family".
Ugh...too much!

6:40am - 8:20am.....

Get up.
Pee :).
Wash face.
Take a shower.
Wake the husband up.
Get dressed.
Put make up on.
Feed kitties - who by now are driving me nuts from their constant "hungry screams".
Let dog outside to potty & get him back in.
Feed dog.
Refill hay racks for the bunnies (if they need it).
Give bunnies fresh water.
** By now have usually yelled at least 3 times at the cats & Molly (rabbit) for being terrors **
Take husband to work (only have 1 car for now).
Get home & make breakfast (bagel, peanut butter sandwhich, or waffles!).
Sit around online for a few minutes (before the emails pile up).
Do my hair (needed time to air dry!).
Leave for work (grooming shop).

8:30am - 4:00pm (or later, but not past 5:00pm)....

After 4:00pm (or a tad later)....
Pick the husband up from work & come home.
Feed kitties.
Scoop cat box.
Feed bunnies pellets (& sometimes salad - its not an every night thing).
Feed doggie.
Feed myself (husbands on this new diet as of 2 weeks ago, so he makes his own dinner).
Make sure ratties & mouse have food & water (clean their cages if its "time").
Relax online for a couple hours.

Wow...I need a vacation.
Since I'm out of the house at 2:30am, hubby takes care of them in the morning. I have that duty on my days off. The routine for hubby in the morning~

5:00-wake up, entice Sebastian back in the bedroom (he has free roam overnight)and feed him.

Let the girls downstairs for an hour for theirdried treatsand greens. They usually go back upstairs on their own. Make sure they have fresh water and food, get on the floor for some bunny massages, then secure top and bottom landing with baby gates.

6:00am- Baci's turn to come out. Bunny Nascar with him for the first20 minutes, he demands attention as soon as he comes out. Then feed him his greens.

Finally a cup of coffee and check emails.

7:00~leave for work.

I get home at 4:30pm, hubby at 6:30pm so I start the evening routine.

Cut up lettuce, wash, soak, spun and into container.

7:00pm~Baci back in cage with Craisin treats. (He has the Marine mentality, hecan tell time, exactly at 7 if we're late, he runs into the cage and waits for the treats.)

Girls come downstairs for an hour for treats and greens.

8pm-Sebastian comes out for the night. I go to bed and hubby will spend an hour or 2 with him then heads into bed himself.

And somewhere between 5pm and 6pm - I make dinner.
I'm unemployed, so our routine has changed a bit, but really the only difference is that the bunnies are free roam during the day. When I go back to work, they'll have to stay locked up in their pen until we get home in the evening.

DH feeds the bunnies pellets and salad before he leaves for work around 7:30. I get up at 8:30 and open up their pen so they can run around for the day. We feed them some more pellets and another salad around 10pm when we're getting ready for bed.

We had issues with the bunnies have scuffles early in the morning, so they now sleep in a small pet store cage which keeps my girl from chasing my boy around too much. Now part of their routine is getting them in that cage at night and releasing them from jail in the morning.
I am unemployed now as of 3 days ago so this is part of my routine now :p That's why I wanted to know everyone else's. My bunnies have been extremely happy to have me home all day. They've been out all day :D I don't really have routine as much any more.. just feeding in morning, changing water, fill pellets, clean at night.. RO and fb in between.. :p
9 am: unplug the alarm clock in a fit of anger, and go back to sleep.

10 am: get yelled at to wake up.

11:15 am: start rolling around. turn on TV.

11:30 am: vacate the room, and head downstairs. First bunny check of the day. Refill water crocks, and check on the litters. Rehay if need be.

3-4 pm: take the buns out of some outside time. babies go in the pen, adults free roam out together. (siblings and mom, or bred does and a buck. there's different patterns.)

7 pm: Or so. Basically when dinner's ready and on the table, I go out to feed the buns. They eat before I do. Everyone gets fed, and water crocks get refilled.

9 pm: Bring the babies and juniors inside for posing practice. Check the moms for milk production. Update photos if need be.

1 am: last check of the night. refill all water bottles if less than 1/4 full. Sit outside for 30 minutes playing with the babies, avoiding going to bed. XD

3 am: fall asleep and repeat.

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