Custom Bunny Cartoons/Pictures!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I've seen some people with little drawings of their bunnies in their signature, and I wanted to make a bigger version of them. =) Here are my examples:



Yay for blue bunnies. =D

I can make these any color with any type of markings. Eye color can also be changed. You can put one in your signature or anywhere you want. ^^

If your interested, just post here with either a picture for reference or describe your rabbit to me and I'll do my best.
(Note: I wasn't sure if this was the right place to put this thread, so feel free to move it if it's in the wrong place.)
I would love one for my signature. You can see Lily in my avatar but here is a description of her coloring:

Fur: Sable point- white with sable markings on toes, nose, and ears
Eyes: brown
Just a reminder, signatures are activated for our wonderful sponsors! Thank you for sponsoring our wonderful website/message board and keeping all these wonderful services running. We encourage all members to become sponsors! The instructions and information about the related perks is off on the left hand side menu!

One of the reasons that the bunnies are so small is because there are guidelines for how large the signatures can be. Here are the guidelines below.

We've settled on signature guidelines, thanks for all your patience. :)

Keep in mind that these are guidelines, if someone has something larger or different, they are free to run it by the staff. Some designs are more distracting than others. Bo B Bunny has been appointed the Sig Nazi, (LOL!) just drop her a PM with a sample, she'll run it by everybody else.

The guideline sizes are for total content, and that means a combined graphics, pics, text and icons size. We're not as concerned about length as height, as long as they don't stretch anybody's screen.

The RO Friends are asked to stick to just a line of text OR the Bunny Rabbit Iconifers once we get the latter program properly set up.

Bunny Rabbit Iconifers is an invention courtesy of Delusional where forum members can make their own cute little bunny icons fashioned after their own rabbits.

We still need to set minimum and maximum sizes to accommodate both the dwarf and flemish fans, so please bear with us on that one!

At this time, we're just saying the max size is 25 pixels, but that may change.

So here are the guidelines:





Oh, woops! Looks like my buns are too big. :(
I wasn't aware of this, so thanks for telling me. ^^
I could try to modify them to make them smaller so other members who don't have as much signature room can use them as well.
Oh Oh! Can I have two for my bunnies? Due to the sig restrictions I wont use them for that.
I would love to just have them to look at and other personal use.

Dunkin - Himalayan with dark brown ears, nose, feet and tail - Picture

Amber - Reddish brown? One straight ear, one lop. White on the stomach, around the eyes and on the chin - Picture

Thanks! :wave:

I absolutely adore your bunny drawings :) You have an awesome style. I hope you making them encourages more people to become sponsors so they CAN have them hopping below their posts!
Me, me, me :) Please! :D

A Princess one, since she is my heart bunny :)

I'm a VIP :)

This shows her colour, she is the bunny stretched out



Starlight (Sorry if I totally messed up markings!)

I'm so glad you all like them, and I hope it encourages sponsoring, too!

I'll get to work on the next batch. =)
OMG! :shock:

You are so talented at this! I absolutelty adore mine, thank you.

I'm totally going to save up some money to upgrade my spondership so I can put them in my siggie.


Bunnycat wrote
Starlight (Sorry if I totally messed up markings!)

I'm so glad you all like them, and I hope it encourages sponsoring, too!

I'll get to work on the next batch. =)

Oh thank you! Still cute, no matter what!
i saw this and i was like OMG. ADORABLE. XD
may i have one of Solara please? =D

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