Crusty eyes:

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New Member
Dec 16, 2006
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Austin, Texas, USA
Our bunny has "gunky" eyes today and I'm not sure why. She is not sneezing or anything and she is eating/drinking normally (all the time, actually). She does not have any other symptoms at all.

Is this something to worry about? Do bunnies get winter allergies (I know I do)?
I'm thinking it could partly be because your bunny is young still and mama isn't grooming it - plus lion heads get that fur stuck in their eyes sometimes.

I'd wash it with a warm washcloth and check it a couple of times per day. If she continues to have it - I'd get some terramycin ointment from a feed store and use that for the eyes. You can also go to and order it from them - they are somewhere in the San Antonio area and you would have it fairly quickly. It would be in their medications section of their site.

I have some babies that get that and it simply needs a bit of washing for a couple of days and others that keep getting it and need the ointment - so it is hard to say.

:yeah that

Pearl appears to be very young, so this might have something to do with it. I would just keep an eye on her and watch out for things like nasal discharge or lack of appetite, etc. Just want to be sure its not a tooth problem.

My lionhead, Mr. Tumnus, gets a little gunk in his eyes every few days.I think, as Peg said, it has to do with the hair around the eyes.

Keep us posted!
Thank you everyone for your quick replies :)

She grooms herself all the time and always washes her face off. Her eyes aren't "gunky" per se, just as if they've been bit runny and dried out where the fur got wet. It's not drafty where we keep her. We do have other animals though and I've read bunnies can get allergies, so I'm hoping that's not it. All the same, she isn't sneezing at all and her nose looks fine.

She otherwise seems like a happy, healthy little bun. She's really cuddly, loves to come out and play and hops and skips all up and down the house, and is drinking her vitamin water all the time and eats like a champ. We give her pellets and hay with some treats now and then of tiny portions of veggies. She loves all the good things in life; sleeping, eating,playing and cuddling. :)

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