Crumble is Being Neutered

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, , Netherlands
Eep! My boy should be in surgery right now. It's always so nerve-wracking! I can't believe he's not my baby boy anymore. He just grew up so quickly! Gah!

Meanwhile, Pucky (our dog and Crumble's best pal) saw us leave with him and was looking for him when he got back. He just puked all over the place now so I am wondering if it's upset him that much. Sheesh!

Here's hoping Crumble will be comfy when we get him back. :)
It is nerve wracking I know what you mean! But I'm sure he will be just fine. And after he will be such a better little Crumble you will be so glad you went through with it.

You and Pucky will have crumble back soon! :)
:hug: Crumble will be back before you know it. Poor Puck will help you get through the day together. Andre gets very upset when I take "his bunnies" away for any length of time too. For some reason he's ok if we just go to the park but if I come home without somebun he gets upset and cries looking for them. It's so sweet when there's a cross-species bond.
He will be just fine.
He'll be okay, they seem to recover from neuters almost effortlessly! He'll be home in no time!
aww... it is, indeed, very nerve-wracking to have them at the vet for the surgery! feels so weird to have a bunny-free house for a day, too :(

it'll be over soon, though, and it'll feel SO good in a day or two to have all the worrying over and done with and the bunny well on the road to recovery!
Thanks guys. :)

We picked him up yesterday after the vets saw him eating. He came home and was scoffing down hay and pellets, etc. as if we had been away from his food too long. Lol. (no worries, there was no fasting involved, he ate right up until they knocked him out) This morning, he was trying to climb up his fence panel for some extra petting. The usual! Puck licked his face all over so I guess he got a good 'cleaning' too.

It will take a few weeks for all the hormones to die out I guess but I am hoping that it might help my allergies some. Really struggling with him at the moment but here's hoping...

I'm just glad he's alright, I'm quite attached to this lil guy!
Yeah I'm glad he's home and ok. I thought the same thing about the hormones, but it less then a week with Twigs. He was a spray machine and once he was fixed he only spray once about 2 days after and hasn't since. He was only neutered about 2 week ago.:biggrin2:
Glad to say he's doing okay!
As I mentioned neuters are much easier on buns than spays.
When I had my rabbit neutered, his hormones also only lasted about a week if that, although, he never was a sprayer, he just pooped everywhere. lol

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