Cruel humans

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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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Kindness Matters - Waukesha, WI, ,
Anyone subscribe to the Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society yahoo group?

Where do humans grow up, and get these thoughts?

What is their early teaching and mindset for being so cruel? Do they learn this in school, from peers, from parents, from media?

A member wrote about something that happened at the neighbors. Neighbor's decided to turn loose rabbits and use them as target practice with their pistols.

You can join here: [email protected]

Scarlett O'Hare Lives! - subject title. With a photo of one survivor.

That is awful.
But, I don't think we're supposed to post things like this that discuss others, because they could be members here and get really quite upset; while I know what they did is wrong, it's also wrong to bash them behind their backs ;)

I'm just saying ^^ and I could be wrong, but I've seen it before ;)

Hi Emily, I appreciate your concern. I don't think that the person who repeated shot at the rabbits in the yard would likely be a member here. Two rabbits escaped to safety, under a fence, and were helped by a concerned and animal-caring human named Doug. The Humane Society accepted the uninjured one. The other was going to be destroyed at the shelter, euth'd for injuries.
The caring person took the girl rabbit to the vet instead, and she survived.

The person/s shooting the rabbits for fun and entertainment received a misdemeanor charge.

I gather we all humanely care for rabbits on RO. The details are listed on the MNRabbits yahoo group.

I agree, I think their actions are heartless.
I really hate people sometimes.
BethM wrote:
I really hate people sometimes.

I know...let's take pot-shots at THEM while they're thinking they've finally got freedom from a tyrant!! :grumpy:
That is so awful. :cry1:
I cannot stand animal abusers. To hurt a defenseless creature makes them some of the lowest human beings that walk the earth, in my opinion.
I agree with Rosie. Let's set them loose and shoot them. I think they should shoot people like that with paintballs or something a little more painful (tazers, anyone?). Ugh. Hearing about stuff like this makes me lose faith in human beings. *sigh*
That is just freakin cruel!....and reminds me of a member here,i cannot remember their user name though,it was a while ago....they had this bunny that had been shota few timeswith a bb gun....makes me wanna cry just thinking about it.
For those interested in Scarlett -- I'm including an update from her human. Posted Sunday July-26-09 at the MNRabbits Group yahoo forum.

Hello bunny lovers and friends of Scarlett O'Hare,

The court case against the person who shot Scarlett is coming up the first week in August and she could use your support.

For those of you who haven't heard about Scarlett, she came to us when our neighbors turned her and many other rabbits loose in their yard one Sunday evening (June 14th) and proceeded to chase them around shooting them with a handgun. Scarlett was shot twice and crawled through the fence into my yard. Two others escaped as well, but we could only catch one of them. It went to Friends of Animals in Cloquet, MN for adoption and we took Scarlett to the vet and adopted her. (She was named Scarlett because of the scar on her face from the bullet wound.) All of the other rabbits were killed. You can see the local news coverage of this at:

http://fox21online. com/animaltales/ lucky-rabbits- shooting- complaint- turned-over- carlton-co- authorities

If you have a chance, I think it would be beneficial to contact the Carlton County Attorney's office in support of Scarlett.

Carlton County Attorney
Michael J. Boese
P.O. Box 300
Carlton, MN 55716
michael.boese@ co.carlton.

You should thank them for prosecuting the case. (They have brought four charges against one of the men involved. Those are: discharge of a firearm within 500 feet of a residence, reckless discharge of a firearm, animal cruelty by torture, and animal cruelty.)

You might want to tell them about your experiences with rabbits and what they mean to you in your life.

I think it's important for the County Attorney's office to understand that even people who raise rabbits for meat and do butcher animals would never turn all of their animals loose and chase them down with a gun. That's just unacceptable and cruel behavior under any standards. I've also never heard of anyone butchering animals on a Sunday evening.

If you can think of any other points to make, be sure to mention them.

Thank you for your continued support of Scarlett O'Hare. She is doing better each day and is on her way to being a happy and healthy bunny.

Doug Engie
aghost2u@yahoo. com

Please pass this on to any animal lovers that you know to see if they can help as well. Anyone who wishes to be in court that day can contact me for the time and date, and if allowed, Scarlett will be there as well.

People who are capable of shooting, killing, injuring, abusing and animal are capable of doing the exact same things to humans, IMO. Things like that shouldn't be taken lightly!
That is horrible. That person who shot the rabbits needs to become a rabbit and have a human shoot at them, just so they know what those rabbits were feeling. Those rabbits must have been very scared. I am sad that a few of them didnt' make it, but glad that the others did.
Update 8/3/09.

Please call if you wish to voice your support for this case.

The attorney's office has received loads of emails.

This is a strong voice for innocent rabbits who become targets of cruelty. However the office (Mr. Boese) is upset regarding the amount of emails.

I am interested in how many emails the office received, but not sure if we'll be informed of that. ?? IMO, it'd be a strong collective voice if 500-1000 emails arrived in support of rabbits. :) And the actions carried out.

Personally speaking, if 10-14 puppies were turned loose in a yard and a human discharged a firearm at the dogs and/or puppies, wouldn't dog-owners respond with their input?

Please call and talk to the office (Mr. Boese) if you volunteer to help in the case.

Updates later.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
That is awful.
But, I don't think we're supposed to post things like this that discuss others, because they could be members here and get really quite upset; while I know what they did is wrong, it's also wrong to bash them behind their backs ;)

I'm just saying ^^ and I could be wrong, but I've seen it before ;)


I personally don't see bashing people like that a big deal. They deserved to be bashed left and right. I doubt they are members on here, I really do.

I'm just saying aswell.
This is a awful case, I don't think we will ever know what possesses someone to point a gun at a animal for what appears to be sport. The trauma that must be caused to the poor things must be horrendous. I'm hoping that the ones that can be re homed will live a full and happy life and for the ones that didn't make it may they binky free and may justice be done to the ones responsible to putting them there.
Something similar to this was going on in my dads town in southern Ohio last summer. Someone had set free their pet rabbits and they started breeding. Then the neighborhood took it upon themselves to shoot them all.

Its really sad
woow i am just seeing this, how horrible and how lucky for the two rabbits that made it. 'I cant even imagine how frekaing scared they were. If i was the neighbor iwould have been so livid that they were shooting like a bunch of morons so close to my house, let alone at two poor defensless animals.

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