Crazy water Drinking

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
Hello, i had posted a topic about my bunny Maxshedding soooooo much, and got some advice to change her food to bunnybasic/T and YAY its working, her shedding has decreased a lot. Myquestion now is she is drinking way more water then she did before, imthinking it could be from the food, but could it be something else.Before she would not be able to finsh the bottle in like 2 or 3 days,now she goes through a bottle a day. any thoughts on why this ishapening?
I think it may be the change in theweather. Sparky and Scooter have almost doubled their waterintake since the weather has started warming up.
A friend of mine in Ill. who also feeds BunnyBasics told me last night that one of her bunnies is drinking alot ofwater. We were thinking there was something wrong but maybe not?
hmmmm thats really interesting, then i do wonderif it has something to do with the weather. I dont know, but it hasincreased a lot! I hope nothing is wrong
It was only one of her rabbits and they all eatBunny Basics and we don't know any more than you do as to why?? Do youmean the weather being warmer where you are might make them drink herdrink more?
The more hay mine eat (and the drier the hay is) the more they drink.

And Pipp drinks more with the Bunny Basics, I'm assumingbecauseit's made from dry hay and grasses? That,combined with the warmer weather, is probably all it is.

I haven't checked, but I think hayand pellet contents listedin theResource Center give a 'dry matter' percentage that'sprobably related.

Just monitor the output to make sure it looks normal. :)

sas :)and pipp :bunnydance: (and the gang)
My lionhead goes through her 16 oz bottle everytwo days. I agree, when mine eats hay she takes little water breaks.A nibble of hay, water, a nibble of hay.

I'm not sure, but is there a lot of sodium in the food?
I just looked upBunny Basics ..themaximum amount of salt is 1%. I really trust Oxbow products so I'm notconcerned about that..maybe it does make them drink more . My rabbitswon't eat Bunny Basicsalthough I am trying to transition themover to it by mixing it with regular alfalfa pellets. They pick thealfalfa ones out and leave the Oxbow. My bunnies really don't drinkvery much even though they always have fresh water available
I think it is the hay and how much your bunny eats.

Zorro is at least 15 weeks, he doesn't eat as much pellets or hay as Fred, and drinks less water.

Fred inhales food and hay. He's around 8 weeks probably, andI can see him growing. Since he eats so much (I go through abag of pellets a week!) he drinks a heck of a lot. Fred is avacuum for food and water. I can't wait for him to finishgrowing so he stops eating and pooping so much!

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