Converting a dog kennel into a cage..?

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Active Member
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Well, as my dog is approaching 6, and no longer uses his kennel to sleep in (he sleeps on my bed instead, of course :rollseyes) I was thinking about converting his kennel into a cage for General, who I think needs a bit more room.

Can it be done? I was thinking about maybe using the kennel as his main cage, and adding onto it with some NIC panels (with a cover, because one of my cats isn't fond of the General.)

I don't know the dimensions of the kennel, but it's for large dogs...mine is a border collie/german shepherd X, and he can fit pretty comfortably in there.
I'm wondering whether you would need his kennel for a trip? flight/train?

A kennel would be too small for any but the tiniest of buns... however, with your NIC extension, it would work well as the sleep/food area.

Maybe post a pic of the kennel with General in it?
NorthernAutumn wrote:
I'm wondering whether you would need his kennel for a trip? flight/train?

A kennel would be too small for any but the tiniest of buns... however, with your NIC extension, it would work well as the sleep/food area.

Maybe post a pic of the kennel with General in it?
I'm guessing it is the size of our large kennels - like 3' X 4' or something like that - sounds good to me - plus you could put a shelf in it since those kennels are so tall and your bunny would have two levels to play on.
Deucer doesn't travel, if we ever go anywhere, he stays with family, or is boarded. So, he doesn't really need the kennel for that...

But I think I'm going to have a go at modifying his cage he has now, or just making an NIC cage instead, after talking to my mum. C: Thanks anyways!
My apologies, I was thinking about the small dog kennel in another thread I was reading, and not properly envisioning a kennel the size of the ones Tiny'sMom uses for her buns.

Again, thank you for the correction, Peg :).

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